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Africa Pitarch Martí, João Zilhão, Francesco d’Errico, Pedro Cantalejo-Duarte, Salvador Domínguez-Bella: The symbolic role of the underground world among Middle Paleolithic Neanderthals. In: PNAS. Band118, Nr.33, 2. August 2021, ISSN0027-8424, doi:10.1073/pnas.2021495118 ( [abgerufen am 3. August 2021]).
Africa Pitarch Martí, João Zilhão, Francesco d’Errico, Pedro Cantalejo-Duarte, Salvador Domínguez-Bella: The symbolic role of the underground world among Middle Paleolithic Neanderthals. In: PNAS. Band118, Nr.33, 2. August 2021, ISSN0027-8424, doi:10.1073/pnas.2021495118 ( [abgerufen am 3. August 2021]).