Ilhan for Congress – Economic Justice. In: Abgerufen am 30. September 2019: „The capitalist system has led to a concentration of wealth in a small handful of elites while working people suffer. We must stop the exploitation of working people to create a fair and just economy.“
Is Ilhan Omar Donald Trump's worst nightmare? In: The Intercept. 20. September 2018, abgerufen am 30. September 2019: „So for me, what I say to that is I believe in not having extra titles so I am a Democrat. But the ideals of socialism is one that is deep in my values and so I think as Democrats, we all share serious socialism ideals about providing for people and caring about our communities and making sure that government is held accountable in providing for its citizens.“
David M. Perry: This Is Not How You Show Solidarity. In: The Nation. 31. Oktober 2019, abgerufen am 3. November 2019: „Of course we should acknowledge the Genocide. [… W]e should demand accountability for human rights abuses consistently, not simply when it suits our political goals.“