Incel (German Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Incel" in German language version.

Global rank German rank
2nd place
3rd place
123rd place
6th place
34th place
113th place
507th place
750th place
low place
1,511th place
115th place
466th place
731st place
969th place
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5,126th place
4,860th place
low place
low place
1,057th place
low place
1,943rd place
175th place
256th place
2,106th place
139th place
4th place
7th place
1,366th place
81st place
7,460th place
9,140th place
458th place
30th place
998th place
1,841st place
687th place
41st place
240th place
13th place
1,023rd place
64th place
66th place
4th place
267th place
15th place
92nd place
415th place
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low place
low place
4,086th place
305th place
632nd place
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743rd place
45th place
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740th place
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low place
132nd place
414th place
low place
4,385th place
9th place
9th place
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25th place
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2,215th place
1,562nd place
2,524th place
3,588th place
5,693rd place
6,345th place
457th place
low place
1,044th place
226th place
12th place
259th place
669th place
20th place
57th place
1,425th place
420th place
699th place
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low place
3rd place
67th place
low place
low place
low place
low place
low place
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7,865th place
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130th place
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753rd place
43rd place
581st place
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95th place
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low place
484th place
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low place
8,105th place
4,295th place
7,193rd place
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low place
68th place
29th place
201st place
11th place
low place
low place
4,051st place
264th place
low place
4,125th place
2,679th place
179th place
low place
5,502nd place
5,166th place
7,235th place
2,144th place
142nd place
9,184th place
628th place
146th place
379th place

  • Alyssa M. Glace, Tessa L. Dover, Judith G. Zatkin: Taking the black pill: An empirical analysis of the “Incel”. In: Psychology of Men & Masculinities. Band 22, Nr. 2, April 2021, ISSN 1939-151X, S. 288–297, doi:10.1037/men0000328 ( [abgerufen am 26. Mai 2021]).

  • Chris Vallance: Rape posts every half-hour found on online incel forum. In: BBC News. 22. September 2022 ( [abgerufen am 24. September 2022]).

  • Lisa Sugiura: The Incel Rebellion: The Rise of the Manosphere and the Virtual War Against Women. Emerald Group Publishing, 2021, ISBN 978-1-83982-254-4, S. 51 f. ( [abgerufen am 27. Juni 2022]).

  • Josephine Broyd, Lauren Boniface, Damon Parsons, David Murphy, Jonathan D. Hafferty: Incels, violence and mental disorder: a narrative review with recommendations for best practice in risk assessment and clinical intervention. In: BJPsych Advances. Band 29, Nr. 4, Juli 2023, ISSN 2056-4678, S. 254–264, doi:10.1192/bja.2022.15 ( [abgerufen am 20. Mai 2024]).

  • Roberta Liggett O’Malley, Karen Holt, Thomas J. Holt: An Exploration of the Involuntary Celibate (Incel) Subculture Online. In: Journal of Interpersonal Violence. 24. September 2020, ISSN 0886-2605, doi:10.1177/0886260520959625.
  • Taisto Witt: ‘If i cannot have it, i will do everything i can to destroy it.’ the canonization of Elliot Rodger: ‘Incel’ masculinities, secular sainthood, and justifications of ideological violence. In: Social Identities. Band 26, Nr. 5, 2. September 2020, ISSN 1350-4630, S. 675–689, doi:10.1080/13504630.2020.1787132 ( [abgerufen am 5. Mai 2021]).
  • Bruce Hoffman, Jacob Ware, Ezra Shapiro: Assessing the Threat of Incel Violence. In: Studies in Conflict & Terrorism. Band 43, Nr. 7, April 2020, ISSN 1057-610X, S. 565–587, doi:10.1080/1057610X.2020.1751459 ( [abgerufen am 20. Mai 2020]).
  • Sian Tomkinson, Tauel Harper, Katie Attwell: Confronting Incel: exploring possible policy responses to misogynistic violent extremism. In: Australian Journal of Political Science. Band 55, Nr. 2, 2. April 2020, ISSN 1036-1146, S. 152–169, doi:10.1080/10361146.2020.1747393 ( [abgerufen am 3. März 2021]).
  • Dj Williams, Michael Arntfield: Extreme sex-negativity: An examination of helplessness, hopelessness, and misattribution of blame among “Incel” multiple homicide offenders. In: Journal of Positive Sexuality. Band 6, Nr. 1, 1. April 2020, S. 33–42, doi:10.51681/1.613 ( [PDF; abgerufen am 28. Mai 2021]).
  • Sophia Moskalenko, Juncal Fernández-Garayzábal González, Naama Kates, Jesse Morton: Incel Ideology, Radicalization and Mental Health: A Survey Study. In: The Journal of Intelligence, Conflict, and Warfare. Band 4, Nr. 3, 31. Januar 2022, ISSN 2561-8229, S. 1–29, doi:10.21810/jicw.v4i3.3817.
  • Josephine Broyd, Lauren Boniface, Damon Parsons, David Murphy, Jonathan D. Hafferty: Incels, violence and mental disorder: a narrative review with recommendations for best practice in risk assessment and clinical intervention. In: BJPsych Advances. Band 29, Nr. 4, Juli 2023, ISSN 2056-4678, S. 254–264, doi:10.1192/bja.2022.15 ( [abgerufen am 20. Mai 2024]).
  • Jaki et al: "Online hatred of women in the Forum" in "Journal of Language Aggression and Conflict" (2019). doi:10.1075/jlac.00026.jak
  • Konstantinos Papadamou, Savvas Zannettou, Jeremy Blackburn, Emiliano De Cristofaro, Gianluca Stringhini: "How over is it?" Understanding the Incel Community on YouTube. In: Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction. Band 5, CSCW2, 18. Oktober 2021, S. 412:1–412:25, doi:10.1145/3479556.
  • Alyssa M. Glace, Tessa L. Dover, Judith G. Zatkin: Taking the black pill: An empirical analysis of the “Incel”. In: Psychology of Men & Masculinities. Band 22, Nr. 2, April 2021, ISSN 1939-151X, S. 288–297, doi:10.1037/men0000328 ( [abgerufen am 26. Mai 2021]).
  • Roberta Liggett O’Malley, Karen Holt, Thomas J. Holt: An Exploration of the Involuntary Celibate (Incel) Subculture Online. In: Journal of Interpersonal Violence. Band 37, Nr. 7-8, April 2022, ISSN 0886-2605, S. NP4981–NP5008, doi:10.1177/0886260520959625 ( [abgerufen am 30. Juli 2022]).
  • Lauren Menzie: Stacys, Beckys, and Chads: the construction of femininity and hegemonic masculinity within incel rhetoric. In: Psychology & Sexuality. Band 13, Nr. 1, 2. Januar 2022, ISSN 1941-9899, S. 69–85, doi:10.1080/19419899.2020.1806915.
  • Kayla Preston, Michael Halpin, Finlay Maguire: The Black Pill: New Technology and the Male Supremacy of Involuntarily Celibate Men. In: Men and Masculinities. 18. Mai 2021, ISSN 1097-184X, S. 1097184X2110179, doi:10.1177/1097184X211017954 ( [abgerufen am 4. Juni 2021]).
  • Ondřej Beran: To Each Incel According to His Needs? In: SATS. 26. Januar 2021, ISSN 1869-7577, S. 000010151520200007, doi:10.1515/sats-2020-0007 ( [abgerufen am 2. Mai 2021]).
  • Casey Ryan Kelly, Chase Aunspach: Incels, Compulsory Sexuality, and Fascist Masculinity. In: Feminist Formations. Band 32, Nr. 3, 2020, ISSN 2151-7371, S. 145–172, doi:10.1353/ff.2020.0044 ( Abstract [abgerufen am 5. Mai 2021]).
  • Brandon Sparks, Alexandra M. Zidenberg, Mark E. Olver: Involuntary Celibacy: A Review of Incel Ideology and Experiences with Dating, Rejection, and Associated Mental Health and Emotional Sequelae. In: Current Psychiatry Reports. Band 24, Nr. 12, Dezember 2022, ISSN 1523-3812, S. 731–740, doi:10.1007/s11920-022-01382-9, PMID 36394688, PMC 9780135 (freier Volltext).
  • Durch den Monat mit Veronika Kracher (Teil 1): Worüber tauschen sich Incels aus? In: WOZ Die Wochenzeitung. 30. September 2020, abgerufen am 31. Dezember 2022.
    Inside the World of ‘Femcels’. In: MEL Magazine. 10. Februar 2020, abgerufen am 30. Dezember 2022 (amerikanisches Englisch).
    Jilly Boyce Kay: Abject desires in the age of anger: Incels, femcels and the gender politics of unfuckability. In: Mary Harrod, Suzanne Leonard, Diane Negra (Hrsg.): Imagining “We” in the Age of “I”: Romance and Social Bonding in Contemporary Culture. 1. Auflage. Routledge, London 2021, ISBN 978-1-00-303936-5, doi:10.4324/9781003039365.
    Lisa Sugiura: The Incel Rebellion: The Rise of the Manosphere and the Virtual War Against Women. Emerald Group Publishing, 2021, ISBN 978-1-83982-254-4, S. 6 ( [abgerufen am 30. Dezember 2022]).
  • Emily K. Carian, Alex DiBranco, Megan Kelly: Intervening in Problematic Research Approaches to Incel Violence. In: Men and Masculinities. 19. September 2023, ISSN 1097-184X, doi:10.1177/1097184X231200825 ( [abgerufen am 20. Mai 2024]).
  • Ronja Klose: Misogynie und deren diskursive Konstituierung:. In: Freie Assoziation. Band 25, Nr. 1, Juli 2022, ISSN 1434-7849, S. 61–65, doi:10.30820/1434-7849-2022-1-61 ( [abgerufen am 29. Juli 2022]).

  • Michael Schilliger: Der Amokfahrer von Toronto war ein Incel – aber was ist das eigentlich? Eine Erklärung. In: Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 25. April 2018 (
    Tilman Richter: Der Hass der „Incels“. Männer ohne Sex. In: FAZ, 29. April 2018 (

  • Jack Bratich, Sarah Banet-Weiser: From Pick-Up Artists to Incels: Con(fidence) Games, Networked Misogyny, and the Failure of Neoliberalism. In: International Journal of Communication. Band 13, Nr. 0, 22. September 2019, ISSN 1932-8036, S. 25 ( [abgerufen am 4. Februar 2021]).

  • Dj Williams, Michael Arntfield: Extreme sex-negativity: An examination of helplessness, hopelessness, and misattribution of blame among “Incel” multiple homicide offenders. In: Journal of Positive Sexuality. Band 6, Nr. 1, 1. April 2020, S. 33–42, doi:10.51681/1.613 ( [PDF; abgerufen am 28. Mai 2021]).

  • Lars Fleischmann: Irre wirre Männerwelt. Neues Deutschland Druckerei und Verlag GmbH, 5. Dezember 2020, abgerufen am 15. Januar 2021.

  • Michael Schilliger: Der Amokfahrer von Toronto war ein Incel – aber was ist das eigentlich? Eine Erklärung. In: Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 25. April 2018 (
    Tilman Richter: Der Hass der „Incels“. Männer ohne Sex. In: FAZ, 29. April 2018 (

  • Roberta Liggett O’Malley, Karen Holt, Thomas J. Holt: An Exploration of the Involuntary Celibate (Incel) Subculture Online. In: Journal of Interpersonal Violence. Band 37, Nr. 7-8, April 2022, ISSN 0886-2605, S. NP4981–NP5008, doi:10.1177/0886260520959625 ( [abgerufen am 30. Juli 2022]).
  • Kayla Preston, Michael Halpin, Finlay Maguire: The Black Pill: New Technology and the Male Supremacy of Involuntarily Celibate Men. In: Men and Masculinities. 18. Mai 2021, ISSN 1097-184X, S. 1097184X2110179, doi:10.1177/1097184X211017954 ( [abgerufen am 4. Juni 2021]).
  • Emily K. Carian, Alex DiBranco, Megan Kelly: Intervening in Problematic Research Approaches to Incel Violence. In: Men and Masculinities. 19. September 2023, ISSN 1097-184X, doi:10.1177/1097184X231200825 ( [abgerufen am 20. Mai 2024]).

  • Simon DeDeo: Hypergamy, Incels, and Reality. In: Axiom of Chance. 15. November 2018, abgerufen am 29. Juni 2022 (amerikanisches Englisch, Rezipiert via. Amia Srinivasan: Das Recht auf Sex: Feminismus im 21. Jahrhundert. Klett-Cotta, 2022, ISBN 978-3-608-11843-8 ( [abgerufen am 29. Juni 2022]).).

  • Philipp Bovermann: Amokfahrt von Toronto. Was ist ein „Incel“? In: Süddeutsche Zeitung. 25. April 2018 (
    Rachel Janick: “I laugh at the death of normies”: How incels are celebrating the Toronto mass killing. Southern Poverty Law Center, 24. April 2018 (
    Christina Cauturecci: Incel memes aren't a joke. 19. Juli 2018, abgerufen am 11. Dezember 2020 (englisch).

  • Marcel Rosenbach, Ann-Katrin Müller, Roman Höfner, Maik Baumgärtner: Feindbild Frau – Tödlicher Frauenhass: Der Onlinehetze folgt tausendfach Gewalt im echten Leben. In: Der Spiegel. Nr. 7, 2021, S. 8–14 (online).

  • Philipp Bovermann: Amokfahrt von Toronto. Was ist ein „Incel“? In: Süddeutsche Zeitung. 25. April 2018 (
    Rachel Janick: “I laugh at the death of normies”: How incels are celebrating the Toronto mass killing. Southern Poverty Law Center, 24. April 2018 (
    Christina Cauturecci: Incel memes aren't a joke. 19. Juli 2018, abgerufen am 11. Dezember 2020 (englisch).

  • Inga Barthels: Frauenhass und Rechtsnationalismus. Die Rache verunsicherter Männer. In: Der Tagesspiegel. 20. März 2019 (

  • Taisto Witt: ‘If i cannot have it, i will do everything i can to destroy it.’ the canonization of Elliot Rodger: ‘Incel’ masculinities, secular sainthood, and justifications of ideological violence. In: Social Identities. Band 26, Nr. 5, 2. September 2020, ISSN 1350-4630, S. 675–689, doi:10.1080/13504630.2020.1787132 ( [abgerufen am 5. Mai 2021]).
  • Bruce Hoffman, Jacob Ware, Ezra Shapiro: Assessing the Threat of Incel Violence. In: Studies in Conflict & Terrorism. Band 43, Nr. 7, April 2020, ISSN 1057-610X, S. 565–587, doi:10.1080/1057610X.2020.1751459 ( [abgerufen am 20. Mai 2020]).
  • Sian Tomkinson, Tauel Harper, Katie Attwell: Confronting Incel: exploring possible policy responses to misogynistic violent extremism. In: Australian Journal of Political Science. Band 55, Nr. 2, 2. April 2020, ISSN 1036-1146, S. 152–169, doi:10.1080/10361146.2020.1747393 ( [abgerufen am 3. März 2021]).

  • Zoe Williams: ‘Raw hatred’: why the ‘incel’ movement targets and terrorises women. In: The Guardian, 25. April 2018;

  • Brandon Sparks: SWIPING AWAY TEARS: INCELS, DATING APPLICATIONS, AND SOCIAL SUPPORTS. 2022 ( [abgerufen am 29. Dezember 2022] University of Saskatchewan).

  • Steve Hendrix: How male supremacy fueled an incel attack on a florida yoga studio. In: The Washington Post. 7. Juni 2019 (
  • Christine Emba: Men are in trouble. ‘Incels’ are proof. In: The Washington Post. 7. Juni 2019, abgerufen am 9. Mai 2021 (englisch).
  • Taylor Lorenz: The online incel movement is getting more violent and extreme, report says. In: Washington Post. ISSN 0190-8286 ( [abgerufen am 24. September 2022]).

  • Roberta Liggett O’Malley, Karen Holt, Thomas J. Holt: An Exploration of the Involuntary Celibate (Incel) Subculture Online. In: Journal of Interpersonal Violence. 24. September 2020, ISSN 0886-2605, doi:10.1177/0886260520959625.
  • Taisto Witt: ‘If i cannot have it, i will do everything i can to destroy it.’ the canonization of Elliot Rodger: ‘Incel’ masculinities, secular sainthood, and justifications of ideological violence. In: Social Identities. Band 26, Nr. 5, 2. September 2020, ISSN 1350-4630, S. 675–689, doi:10.1080/13504630.2020.1787132 ( [abgerufen am 5. Mai 2021]).
  • Bruce Hoffman, Jacob Ware, Ezra Shapiro: Assessing the Threat of Incel Violence. In: Studies in Conflict & Terrorism. Band 43, Nr. 7, April 2020, ISSN 1057-610X, S. 565–587, doi:10.1080/1057610X.2020.1751459 ( [abgerufen am 20. Mai 2020]).
  • Sian Tomkinson, Tauel Harper, Katie Attwell: Confronting Incel: exploring possible policy responses to misogynistic violent extremism. In: Australian Journal of Political Science. Band 55, Nr. 2, 2. April 2020, ISSN 1036-1146, S. 152–169, doi:10.1080/10361146.2020.1747393 ( [abgerufen am 3. März 2021]).
  • Sophia Moskalenko, Juncal Fernández-Garayzábal González, Naama Kates, Jesse Morton: Incel Ideology, Radicalization and Mental Health: A Survey Study. In: The Journal of Intelligence, Conflict, and Warfare. Band 4, Nr. 3, 31. Januar 2022, ISSN 2561-8229, S. 1–29, doi:10.21810/jicw.v4i3.3817.
  • Josephine Broyd, Lauren Boniface, Damon Parsons, David Murphy, Jonathan D. Hafferty: Incels, violence and mental disorder: a narrative review with recommendations for best practice in risk assessment and clinical intervention. In: BJPsych Advances. Band 29, Nr. 4, Juli 2023, ISSN 2056-4678, S. 254–264, doi:10.1192/bja.2022.15 ( [abgerufen am 20. Mai 2024]).
  • Alyssa M. Glace, Tessa L. Dover, Judith G. Zatkin: Taking the black pill: An empirical analysis of the “Incel”. In: Psychology of Men & Masculinities. Band 22, Nr. 2, April 2021, ISSN 1939-151X, S. 288–297, doi:10.1037/men0000328 ( [abgerufen am 26. Mai 2021]).
  • Roberta Liggett O’Malley, Karen Holt, Thomas J. Holt: An Exploration of the Involuntary Celibate (Incel) Subculture Online. In: Journal of Interpersonal Violence. Band 37, Nr. 7-8, April 2022, ISSN 0886-2605, S. NP4981–NP5008, doi:10.1177/0886260520959625 ( [abgerufen am 30. Juli 2022]).
  • Lauren Menzie: Stacys, Beckys, and Chads: the construction of femininity and hegemonic masculinity within incel rhetoric. In: Psychology & Sexuality. Band 13, Nr. 1, 2. Januar 2022, ISSN 1941-9899, S. 69–85, doi:10.1080/19419899.2020.1806915.
  • Kayla Preston, Michael Halpin, Finlay Maguire: The Black Pill: New Technology and the Male Supremacy of Involuntarily Celibate Men. In: Men and Masculinities. 18. Mai 2021, ISSN 1097-184X, S. 1097184X2110179, doi:10.1177/1097184X211017954 ( [abgerufen am 4. Juni 2021]).
  • Ondřej Beran: To Each Incel According to His Needs? In: SATS. 26. Januar 2021, ISSN 1869-7577, S. 000010151520200007, doi:10.1515/sats-2020-0007 ( [abgerufen am 2. Mai 2021]).
  • Casey Ryan Kelly, Chase Aunspach: Incels, Compulsory Sexuality, and Fascist Masculinity. In: Feminist Formations. Band 32, Nr. 3, 2020, ISSN 2151-7371, S. 145–172, doi:10.1353/ff.2020.0044 ( Abstract [abgerufen am 5. Mai 2021]).
  • Brandon Sparks, Alexandra M. Zidenberg, Mark E. Olver: Involuntary Celibacy: A Review of Incel Ideology and Experiences with Dating, Rejection, and Associated Mental Health and Emotional Sequelae. In: Current Psychiatry Reports. Band 24, Nr. 12, Dezember 2022, ISSN 1523-3812, S. 731–740, doi:10.1007/s11920-022-01382-9, PMID 36394688, PMC 9780135 (freier Volltext).
  • Jack Bratich, Sarah Banet-Weiser: From Pick-Up Artists to Incels: Con(fidence) Games, Networked Misogyny, and the Failure of Neoliberalism. In: International Journal of Communication. Band 13, Nr. 0, 22. September 2019, ISSN 1932-8036, S. 25 ( [abgerufen am 4. Februar 2021]).
  • Emily K. Carian, Alex DiBranco, Megan Kelly: Intervening in Problematic Research Approaches to Incel Violence. In: Men and Masculinities. 19. September 2023, ISSN 1097-184X, doi:10.1177/1097184X231200825 ( [abgerufen am 20. Mai 2024]).
  • Ronja Klose: Misogynie und deren diskursive Konstituierung:. In: Freie Assoziation. Band 25, Nr. 1, Juli 2022, ISSN 1434-7849, S. 61–65, doi:10.30820/1434-7849-2022-1-61 ( [abgerufen am 29. Juli 2022]).
  • Taylor Lorenz: The online incel movement is getting more violent and extreme, report says. In: Washington Post. ISSN 0190-8286 ( [abgerufen am 24. September 2022]).