Stephan Klasen: Working Paper: UNDP’s gender-related measures: Current problems and proposals for fixing them. Februar 2017, S. 17: The New Gender Development Index (GDI) (englisch; PDF: 1,6 MB, 31 Seiten auf; Zitat: „All in all, the GDI is a very welcome addition to the gender measures. It is has a nice direct link to the HDI, is easy to interpret and meaningful, and the new approach to ranking is also a very good idea as it places a premium on gender equality rather than on female relative achievements. […] Of course, the caveats mentioned above (related to the calculation of female and male earned incomes as the relevant income component) remain and need to be stated clearly.“
Entwicklungsprogramm der Vereinten Nationen (UNDP): Technical notes. Dezember 2019, S. 2 (englisch; Ergänzung zum Human Development Report 2019;PDF: 287 kB, 16 Seiten auf; Zitat: „The maximum for expected years of schooling, 18, is equivalent to achieving a master’s degree in most countries. The maximum for mean years of schooling, 15, is the projected maximum of this indicator for 2025. […] For the education dimension, equation 1 is first applied to each of the two indicators, and then the arithmetic mean of the two resulting indices is taken.“