D. Warne, L. B. Frizzell: American Indian health policy: historical trends and contemporary issues. In: American Journal of Public Health. Band 104 Suppl 3, Juni 2014, S. S263–S267, doi:10.2105/AJPH.2013.301682, PMID 24754649, PMC 4035886 (freier Volltext): "Services provided to AI/AN persons (e.g., housing, education, health care) have been guaranteed through treaties, executive orders, and other legal bases"
D. Warne, L. B. Frizzell: American Indian health policy: historical trends and contemporary issues. In: American Journal of Public Health. Band 104 Suppl 3, Juni 2014, S. S263–S267, doi:10.2105/AJPH.2013.301682, PMID 24754649, PMC 4035886 (freier Volltext): "The United States has a trust responsibility to provide services to American Indians and Alaska Native (AI/AN) persons."
D. Warne, L. B. Frizzell: American Indian health policy: historical trends and contemporary issues. In: American Journal of Public Health. Band 104 Suppl 3, Juni 2014, S. S263–S267, doi:10.2105/AJPH.2013.301682, PMID 24754649, PMC 4035886 (freier Volltext): "Services provided to AI/AN persons (e.g., housing, education, health care) have been guaranteed through treaties, executive orders, and other legal bases"
D. Warne, L. B. Frizzell: American Indian health policy: historical trends and contemporary issues. In: American Journal of Public Health. Band 104 Suppl 3, Juni 2014, S. S263–S267, doi:10.2105/AJPH.2013.301682, PMID 24754649, PMC 4035886 (freier Volltext): "The United States has a trust responsibility to provide services to American Indians and Alaska Native (AI/AN) persons."