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Lanfranco Pellesi, Simona Guerzoni, Luigi Alberto Pini: Spotlight on Anti-CGRP Monoclonal Antibodies in Migraine: The Clinical Evidence to Date. In: Clinical Pharmacology in Drug Development. Band6, Nr.6, 2017, S.534–547, doi:10.1002/cpdd.345, PMID 28409893, PMC 5697612 (freier Volltext).
Philip R. Holland, Peter J. Goadsby: Targeted CGRP Small Molecule Antagonists for Acute Migraine Therapy. In: Neurotherapeutics. Band15, Nr.2, April 2018, S.304–312, doi:10.1007/s13311-018-0617-4, PMID 29556965, PMC 5935646 (freier Volltext).