Instant Messaging (German Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Instant Messaging" in German language version.

Global rank German rank
low place
889th place
5,032nd place
4,952nd place
low place
low place
low place
low place
5th place
141st place
6,505th place
962nd place

  • Tilman Frosch, Christian Mainka, Christoph Bader, Florian Bergsma, Joerg Schwenk, Thorsten Holz: How Secure is TextSecure? 2014 ( [PDF]).

  • Mele Gasakis, Max Schmidt: Beyond Cryptographic Routing: The Echo Protocol in the new Era of Exponential Encryption (EEE) – A comprehensive essay about the Sprinkling Effect of Cryptographic Echo Discovery (SECRED) and further innovations in cryptography around the Echo Applications Smoke, SmokeStack, Spot-On, Lettera and GoldBug Crypto Chat Messenger addressing Encryption, Graph-Theory, Routing and the change from Mix-Networks like Tor or I2P to Peer-to-Peer-Flooding-Networks like the Echo respective to Friend-to-Friend Trust-Networks like they are built over the POPTASTIC protocol, ISBN 978-3-7481-5198-2, Norderstedt 2018. English / Auflage. Norderstedt 2018, S. 304 (

  • David Adams, Ann-Kathrin Maier: BIG SEVEN Study, open source crypto-messengers to be compared – or: Comprehensive Confidentiality Review & Audit: Encrypting E-Mail-Client & Secure Instant Messenger, Descriptions, tests and analysis reviews of 20 functions of the applications based on the essential fields and methods of evaluation of the 8 major international audit manuals for IT security investigations including 38 figures and 87 tables. English / German Language, Version 1.1 Auflage. Tokio/ München 2016, S. 305 ( [PDF]).