Katie Headrick Taylor, Lori Takeuchi, Reed Stevens: Mapping the daily media round: novel methods for understanding families’ mobile technology use. In: Learning, Media and Technology. Band43, Nr.1, 2. Januar 2018, ISSN1743-9884, S.70–84, doi:10.1080/17439884.2017.1391286.
Alan Dix: Human Computer Interaction. Pearson Education, 2008, ISBN 978-81-317-1703-5 (google.de [abgerufen am 16. Juli 2020]).
Katie Headrick Taylor, Lori Takeuchi, Reed Stevens: Mapping the daily media round: novel methods for understanding families’ mobile technology use. In: Learning, Media and Technology. Band43, Nr.1, 2. Januar 2018, ISSN1743-9884, S.70–84, doi:10.1080/17439884.2017.1391286.