„The film looks murky and at times blurred […] and it’s been badly overedited in a transparent bid to goose the action, to create a suggestion of narrative tension. But nonsensical jump-cuts and incoherent flash-forwards can’t raise the dead.“ – Besprechung in der New York Times, 17. August 2007.
„[…] a cinematic dud. The Invasion doesn’t know what it wants to be – an action film, a horror movie, a science fiction allegory, a mother/son bonding picture – and, as a result, it ends up being none of the above.“ – Besprechung auf reelviews.net, 2007.
„[…] a slick but forgettable, characterless thriller. […] occasional nods to earlier versions […] only serve as a reminder of how much better they were.“ – Besprechung in Variety, 15. August 2007.
Zitat (Memento vom 4. November 2007 im Internet Archive) aus der Kritik des Film-Dienst, 12. Oktober 2007, auf film-zeit.de, abgerufen am 26. Oktober 2011.
Besprechung von Peter Zander in Die Welt, 17. Oktober 2007.