Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII. Volume 1: 1509–1514. Katharine of Aragon to Henry VIII.: “In this your Grace shall see how I can keep my promys, sending you for your banners a King’s coat. I thought to send himself unto you, but our Englishmen’s hearts would not suffer it. It should have been better for him to have been in peace than have this reward.” british-history.ac.uk abgerufen am 23. Oktober 2014
Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 1: 1509-1514. Dacres to Henry VIII. british-history.ac.uk abgerufen am 23. Oktober 2014
Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII. Volume 1: 1509–1514. Henry VIII. to Leo X. british-history.ac.uk abgerufen am 23. Oktober 2014