John F. Kennedy (German Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "John F. Kennedy" in German language version.

Global rank German rank
2,106th place
139th place
123rd place
6th place
26th place
153rd place
1,115th place
2,038th place
267th place
15th place
66th place
4th place
61st place
163rd place
245th place
418th place
22nd place
84th place

  • Siehe zum Beispiel Walter Isaacson: If Kennedy Had Lived. In: Time vom 13. April 1992 (, Abruf am 19. Oktober 2011); Arthur M. Schlesinger: An End to Vietnam, No Watergate, and a Chance for Liberalism. Kennedy’s Biographer on the Might-have-beens. In: Newsweek 131/18 (1998), S. 3 f.; Robert Dallek: JFK’s Second Term. In: Atlantic Monthly 291/5, Juni 2003; Howard Jones: Death of a Generation. How the Assassinations of Diem and JFK Prolonged the Vietnam War. Oxford University Press, New York 2003; Knud Krakau: John F. Kennedy. 22. November 1963. In: Alexander Demandt (Hrsg.): Das Attentat in der Geschichte. area, Erftstadt 2003, S. 423; James G. Blight, David A. Welch, Janet M. Lang: Vietnam If Kennedy Had Lived. Virtual JFK. Rowman & Littlefield, Lanham, MD, 2009; Andrew Roberts: What if JFK had lived? Historian Andrew Roberts 50 years on from Kennedy becoming president. In: Daily Mirror. 20. Januar 2011 (, Abruf am 19. Oktober 2011); Stanley Karnow: JFK. Oliver Stone and the Vietnam War. In: Mark C. Carnes (Hrsg.): Past Imperfect. History According to the Movies. Holt, New York 1995, S. 270–273; Peter Knight: The Kennedy Assassination. Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh 2007, S. 159 ff.

  • John F. Kennedy: US-Regierung gibt weitere Geheimdokumente zu Ermordung des Ex-Präsidenten frei. In: Der Spiegel. 16. Dezember 2021, ISSN 2195-1349 ( [abgerufen am 16. Dezember 2021]).

  • Siehe zum Beispiel Walter Isaacson: If Kennedy Had Lived. In: Time vom 13. April 1992 (, Abruf am 19. Oktober 2011); Arthur M. Schlesinger: An End to Vietnam, No Watergate, and a Chance for Liberalism. Kennedy’s Biographer on the Might-have-beens. In: Newsweek 131/18 (1998), S. 3 f.; Robert Dallek: JFK’s Second Term. In: Atlantic Monthly 291/5, Juni 2003; Howard Jones: Death of a Generation. How the Assassinations of Diem and JFK Prolonged the Vietnam War. Oxford University Press, New York 2003; Knud Krakau: John F. Kennedy. 22. November 1963. In: Alexander Demandt (Hrsg.): Das Attentat in der Geschichte. area, Erftstadt 2003, S. 423; James G. Blight, David A. Welch, Janet M. Lang: Vietnam If Kennedy Had Lived. Virtual JFK. Rowman & Littlefield, Lanham, MD, 2009; Andrew Roberts: What if JFK had lived? Historian Andrew Roberts 50 years on from Kennedy becoming president. In: Daily Mirror. 20. Januar 2011 (, Abruf am 19. Oktober 2011); Stanley Karnow: JFK. Oliver Stone and the Vietnam War. In: Mark C. Carnes (Hrsg.): Past Imperfect. History According to the Movies. Holt, New York 1995, S. 270–273; Peter Knight: The Kennedy Assassination. Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh 2007, S. 159 ff.

  • “We are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence—on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day. It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations.” John F. Kennedy: Address ‘The President and the Press’ Before the American Newspaper Publishers Association, New York City. 27. April 1961. Online von Gerhard Peters und John T. Woolley auf der Website des American Presidency Project, Abruf am 30. November 2013; Stephen G. Rabe: The Most Dangerous Area in the World. John F. Kennedy Confronts Communist Revolution in Latin America. University of North Carolina Press, Chapel Hill 1999, S. 127.