Kate Newman Coordinator of Children’s, Youth and Family Ministries, auf christchurchcathedral.bc.ca [4]
Anantanand Rambachan: To Become Life-Long Friends: A Sermon Delivered at the Marriage of John Thatamanil and Kate Newman at St. Mark’s Church-in-the-Bowery, New York City, on June 30, 2018: In: Journal of Ecumenical Studies, Volume 53, Number 3, Summer 2018 S. 436–439, auf dq5pwpg1q8ru0.cloudfront.net [5]
Chance Dixon, Naomi Racz: Meet our new regular contributors. By John J. Thatamanil. Faith Tides, Anglican News Canada, 1. September 2021, auf faithtides.ca [2]
Chance Dixon, Naomi Racz: Meet our new regular contributors. By John J. Thatamanil. Faith Tides, Anglican News Canada, 1. September 2021, auf faithtides.ca [6]
Leroy Seat: Summary of Circling the Elephant (2020) by John J. Thatamanil. 25. Mai 2021, auf theviewfromthisseat.com [3]
Rev. John J. Thatamanil, MDiv, PhD, Professor of Theology & World Religions Director, Insight Project: Theology & Natural World. Union Theological Seminary, auf utsnyc.edu [1]
Bibliografie von John J. Thatamanil, auf utsnyc.edu [7]