Joseph McCarthy (German Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Joseph McCarthy" in German language version.

Global rank German rank
1st place
1st place
low place
low place
66th place
4th place
758th place
1,627th place
2,106th place
139th place
4,695th place
low place
7,546th place
low place
6,640th place
low place
198th place
654th place
28th place
91st place
low place
low place
954th place
53rd place

  • Rüdiger B. Wersich: McCarthyism. In: derselbe (Hrsg.): USA Lexikon. Erich Schmidt, Berlin 1996, S. 456; vgl. McCarthys Ansprache in Chicago vom 27. Oktober 1952 online auf, Zugriff am 23. Januar 2012.
  • Der berühmte Wortwechsel als Audiodatei. zitiert bei William T. Walker: McCarthyism and the Red Scare. A Reference Guide. ABC-Clio, Santa Barbara 2011, S. 90.

  • William T. Walker: McCarthyism and the Red Scare. A Reference Guide. ABC Clio, Santa Barbara/Denver/London 2011, S. 8.

  • „This must be the product of a great conspiracy on a scale so immense as to dwarf any previous such venture in the history of man. A conspiracy of infamy so black that, which it is finally exposed, its principals shall be forever deserving of the maledictions of all honest men.… What can be made of this unbroken series of decisions and acts contributing to the strategy of defeat? They cannot be attributed to incompetence. […] The laws of probability would dictate that part of [… the] decisions would serve the country’s interest.“ Richard Hofstadter: The Paranoid Style in American Politics and Other Essays. London 1966, Chicago 1990 (Nachdr.), S. 77 f. (online bei; vgl. Thomas C. Reeves: The Life and Times of Joe McCarthy. A Biography. Stein & Day, New York 1982, S. 371–2; Ellen Schrecker: Many are the Crimes. McCarthyism in America Little, Brown & Co., Boston 1998, S. 244–249.

  • ”I don't want to see the Republican Party ride to political victory on the Four Horsemen of Calumny – Fear, Ignorance, Bigotry and Smear“. A Declaration of Conscience. 1 June 1950. Webseite des Senats der Vereinigten Staaten, Zugriff am 23. September 2023.

  • The President's News Conference, February 16, 1950, in: Public Papers of the Presidents: Harry S. Truman, 1945–1953. [1], zitiert bei Samuel F. Wells: Fearing the Worst. How Korea Transformed the Cold War. Columbia University Press, New York 2020, ISBN 978-0-231-19274-3, S. 71.

  • Die in Druckform fünf Bände insgesamt 4.300 Seiten füllenden Protokolle können auch via Internet eingesehen werden, Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, 107th Congress, S. Prt. 107-84 – Executive Sessions of the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations of the Committee on Government Operations (McCarthy Hearings 1953–1954), Washington D.C.: GPO, 2003. Archivlink (Memento vom 27. Juli 2006 im Internet Archive)
  • (Memento vom 8. Oktober 2007 im Internet Archive)Vorlage:Webarchiv/Wartung/Linktext_fehlt
  • Mike O’Connor: McCarthy, Joseph. In: Peter Knight (Hrsg.): Conspiracy Theories in American History. An Encyclopedia. ABC Clio, Santa Barbara, Denver und London 2003, Bd. 2, S. 463 f.; vgl. Richard Hofstadter: The Paranoid Style in American Politics and Other Essays. London 1966, Chicago 1990 (Nachdr.), S. 77–86, zu McCarthy S. 77, 82 und 85 (online, Zugriff am 6. März 2011 (Memento vom 14. August 2013 im Internet Archive)).

  • Thomas C. Reeves: Tail Gunner Joe. Joseph R. McCarthy and the Marine Corps. In: Wisconsin Magazine Of History 62, Heft 4 (1978/1979), S. 300–315. (online, Zugriff am 19. Januar 2013 und 11. Juli 2013).