Hao Ying: Writing wrongs. In: globaltimes.cn. 14. April 2010, archiviert vom Original am 12. Dezember 2013; abgerufen am 18. September 2024 (englisch, Im Original lautet das Zitat "I can safely say I've seen the US from the bottom up ... I may be a success story as an individual. But if you adjust the knob and just take it back one setting to the family unit, I would say my family tells a much more complicated story. It tells the story of two kids in prison. It tells the story of enormous poverty, of tremendous difficulty.").
Hao Ying: Writing wrongs. In: globaltimes.cn. 14. April 2010, archiviert vom Original am 12. Dezember 2013; abgerufen am 18. September 2024 (englisch, Im Original lautet das Zitat "I can safely say I've seen the US from the bottom up ... I may be a success story as an individual. But if you adjust the knob and just take it back one setting to the family unit, I would say my family tells a much more complicated story. It tells the story of two kids in prison. It tells the story of enormous poverty, of tremendous difficulty.").