Kafr ad-Dawwar (German Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Kafr ad-Dawwar" in German language version.

Global rank German rank
123rd place
6th place
34th place
113th place
289th place
158th place



  • David B. Ottaway: Mubarak Orders Price Rollbacks To Quell Violence Near Alexandria. In: Washington Post. 2. Oktober 1984, ISSN 0190-8286 (washingtonpost.com [abgerufen am 18. Mai 2020]).


  • David B. Ottaway: Mubarak Orders Price Rollbacks To Quell Violence Near Alexandria. In: Washington Post. 2. Oktober 1984, ISSN 0190-8286 (washingtonpost.com [abgerufen am 18. Mai 2020]).