Katharina Schroth (German Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Katharina Schroth" in German language version.

Global rank German rank
2nd place
3rd place
123rd place
6th place
4th place
7th place
low place
low place
2,112th place
1,609th place
731st place
969th place
1,903rd place
4,187th place
33rd place
2nd place
low place
low place
low place
low place
317th place
14th place
low place
low place
low place
low place


  • Michele Romano, Silvia Minozzi, Josette Bettany‐Saltikov, Fabio Zaina, Nachiappan Chockalingam, Tomasz Kotwicki, Axel Maier‐Hennes, Stefano Negrini: Exercises for adolescent idiopathic scoliosis. In: Cochrane Systematic Review - Intervention. 2012. Jahrgang, 15. August 2012, doi:10.1002/14651858.CD007837.pub2 (cochranelibrary.com).


  • Mag. Ingrid Wilbacher, PhD: Katharina-Schroth Therapie bei Skoliose. Ein HTA-Kurzbericht. In: hauptverband.at. Evidenzbasierte Wirtschaftliche Gesundheitsversorgung, EBM/HTA, ehemals im Original (nicht mehr online verfügbar); abgerufen am 1. Juni 2019.@1@2Vorlage:Toter Link/www.hauptverband.at (Seite nicht mehr abrufbar. Suche in Webarchiven)


  • Marlette Burger, Wilna Coetzee, Lenka Z. du Plessis, Larissa Geldenhuys, Francois Joubert: The effectiveness of Schroth exercises in adolescents with idiopathic scoliosis: A systematic review and meta-analysis. In: South African Journal of Physiotherapy. Band 75, Nr. 1, 3. Juni 2019, ISSN 2410-8219, doi:10.4102/sajp.v75i1.904, PMID 31206094, PMC 6556933 (freier Volltext) – (sajp.co.za [abgerufen am 10. September 2020]).
  • Sanja Schreiber, Eric C. Parent, Elham Khodayari Moez, Douglas M. Hedden, Douglas L. Hill: Schroth Physiotherapeutic Scoliosis-Specific Exercises Added to the Standard of Care Lead to Better Cobb Angle Outcomes in Adolescents with Idiopathic Scoliosis – an Assessor and Statistician Blinded Randomized Controlled Trial. In: PLOS ONE. Band 11, Nr. 12, 29. Dezember 2016, ISSN 1932-6203, S. e0168746, doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0168746, PMID 28033399, PMC 5198985 (freier Volltext) – (plos.org [abgerufen am 10. September 2020]).
  • Tuğba Kuru, İpek Yeldan, E Elçin Dereli, Arzu R Özdinçler, Fatih Dikici: The efficacy of three-dimensional Schroth exercises in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis: a randomised controlled clinical trial. In: Clinical Rehabilitation. Band 30, Nr. 2, Februar 2016, ISSN 0269-2155, S. 181–190, doi:10.1177/0269215515575745 (sagepub.com [abgerufen am 10. September 2020]).
  • Gichul Kim, Pil-neo HwangBo: Effects of Schroth and Pilates exercises on the Cobb angle and weight distribution of patients with scoliosis. In: Journal of Physical Therapy Science. Band 28, Nr. 3, 2016, ISSN 0915-5287, S. 1012–1015, doi:10.1589/jpts.28.1012, PMID 27134403, PMC 4842415 (freier Volltext) – (jst.go.jp [abgerufen am 10. September 2020]).
  • Joo-Hee Park, Hye-Seon Jeon, Ha-Won Park: Effects of the Schroth exercise on idiopathic scoliosis: a meta-analysis. In: European Journal of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine. Band 54, Nr. 3, Juni 2018, ISSN 1973-9095, S. 440–449, doi:10.23736/S1973-9087.17.04461-6, PMID 28976171.
  • Michele Romano, Silvia Minozzi, Josette Bettany‐Saltikov, Fabio Zaina, Nachiappan Chockalingam, Tomasz Kotwicki, Axel Maier‐Hennes, Stefano Negrini: Exercises for adolescent idiopathic scoliosis. In: Cochrane Systematic Review - Intervention. 2012. Jahrgang, 15. August 2012, doi:10.1002/14651858.CD007837.pub2 (cochranelibrary.com).
  • Muhammad Naghman Choudhry, Zafar Ahmad, Rajat Verma: Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis. In: The Open Orthopaedics Journal. 2016. Jahrgang, Nr. 10, 2016, S. 143–154, doi:10.2174/1874325001610010143 (openorthopaedicsjournal.com [PDF]).


  • Mag. Ingrid Wilbacher, PhD: Katharina-Schroth Therapie bei Skoliose. Ein HTA-Kurzbericht. In: hauptverband.at. Evidenzbasierte Wirtschaftliche Gesundheitsversorgung, EBM/HTA, ehemals im Original (nicht mehr online verfügbar); abgerufen am 1. Juni 2019.@1@2Vorlage:Toter Link/www.hauptverband.at (Seite nicht mehr abrufbar. Suche in Webarchiven)



  • Gichul Kim, Pil-neo HwangBo: Effects of Schroth and Pilates exercises on the Cobb angle and weight distribution of patients with scoliosis. In: Journal of Physical Therapy Science. Band 28, Nr. 3, 2016, ISSN 0915-5287, S. 1012–1015, doi:10.1589/jpts.28.1012, PMID 27134403, PMC 4842415 (freier Volltext) – (jst.go.jp [abgerufen am 10. September 2020]).



  • Mag. Ingrid Wilbacher, PhD: Katharina-Schroth Therapie bei Skoliose. Ein HTA-Kurzbericht. In: hauptverband.at. Evidenzbasierte Wirtschaftliche Gesundheitsversorgung, EBM/HTA, ehemals im Original (nicht mehr online verfügbar); abgerufen am 1. Juni 2019.@1@2Vorlage:Toter Link/www.hauptverband.at (Seite nicht mehr abrufbar. Suche in Webarchiven)



  • Marlette Burger, Wilna Coetzee, Lenka Z. du Plessis, Larissa Geldenhuys, Francois Joubert: The effectiveness of Schroth exercises in adolescents with idiopathic scoliosis: A systematic review and meta-analysis. In: South African Journal of Physiotherapy. Band 75, Nr. 1, 3. Juni 2019, ISSN 2410-8219, doi:10.4102/sajp.v75i1.904, PMID 31206094, PMC 6556933 (freier Volltext) – (sajp.co.za [abgerufen am 10. September 2020]).
  • Sanja Schreiber, Eric C. Parent, Elham Khodayari Moez, Douglas M. Hedden, Douglas L. Hill: Schroth Physiotherapeutic Scoliosis-Specific Exercises Added to the Standard of Care Lead to Better Cobb Angle Outcomes in Adolescents with Idiopathic Scoliosis – an Assessor and Statistician Blinded Randomized Controlled Trial. In: PLOS ONE. Band 11, Nr. 12, 29. Dezember 2016, ISSN 1932-6203, S. e0168746, doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0168746, PMID 28033399, PMC 5198985 (freier Volltext) – (plos.org [abgerufen am 10. September 2020]).
  • Gichul Kim, Pil-neo HwangBo: Effects of Schroth and Pilates exercises on the Cobb angle and weight distribution of patients with scoliosis. In: Journal of Physical Therapy Science. Band 28, Nr. 3, 2016, ISSN 0915-5287, S. 1012–1015, doi:10.1589/jpts.28.1012, PMID 27134403, PMC 4842415 (freier Volltext) – (jst.go.jp [abgerufen am 10. September 2020]).
  • Joo-Hee Park, Hye-Seon Jeon, Ha-Won Park: Effects of the Schroth exercise on idiopathic scoliosis: a meta-analysis. In: European Journal of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine. Band 54, Nr. 3, Juni 2018, ISSN 1973-9095, S. 440–449, doi:10.23736/S1973-9087.17.04461-6, PMID 28976171.




  • Sanja Schreiber, Eric C. Parent, Elham Khodayari Moez, Douglas M. Hedden, Douglas L. Hill: Schroth Physiotherapeutic Scoliosis-Specific Exercises Added to the Standard of Care Lead to Better Cobb Angle Outcomes in Adolescents with Idiopathic Scoliosis – an Assessor and Statistician Blinded Randomized Controlled Trial. In: PLOS ONE. Band 11, Nr. 12, 29. Dezember 2016, ISSN 1932-6203, S. e0168746, doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0168746, PMID 28033399, PMC 5198985 (freier Volltext) – (plos.org [abgerufen am 10. September 2020]).


  • Mag. Ingrid Wilbacher, PhD: Katharina-Schroth Therapie bei Skoliose. Ein HTA-Kurzbericht. In: hauptverband.at. Evidenzbasierte Wirtschaftliche Gesundheitsversorgung, EBM/HTA, ehemals im Original (nicht mehr online verfügbar); abgerufen am 1. Juni 2019.@1@2Vorlage:Toter Link/www.hauptverband.at (Seite nicht mehr abrufbar. Suche in Webarchiven)



  • Tuğba Kuru, İpek Yeldan, E Elçin Dereli, Arzu R Özdinçler, Fatih Dikici: The efficacy of three-dimensional Schroth exercises in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis: a randomised controlled clinical trial. In: Clinical Rehabilitation. Band 30, Nr. 2, Februar 2016, ISSN 0269-2155, S. 181–190, doi:10.1177/0269215515575745 (sagepub.com [abgerufen am 10. September 2020]).


  • Marlette Burger, Wilna Coetzee, Lenka Z. du Plessis, Larissa Geldenhuys, Francois Joubert: The effectiveness of Schroth exercises in adolescents with idiopathic scoliosis: A systematic review and meta-analysis. In: South African Journal of Physiotherapy. Band 75, Nr. 1, 3. Juni 2019, ISSN 2410-8219, doi:10.4102/sajp.v75i1.904, PMID 31206094, PMC 6556933 (freier Volltext) – (sajp.co.za [abgerufen am 10. September 2020]).


  • Marlette Burger, Wilna Coetzee, Lenka Z. du Plessis, Larissa Geldenhuys, Francois Joubert: The effectiveness of Schroth exercises in adolescents with idiopathic scoliosis: A systematic review and meta-analysis. In: South African Journal of Physiotherapy. Band 75, Nr. 1, 3. Juni 2019, ISSN 2410-8219, doi:10.4102/sajp.v75i1.904, PMID 31206094, PMC 6556933 (freier Volltext) – (sajp.co.za [abgerufen am 10. September 2020]).
  • Sanja Schreiber, Eric C. Parent, Elham Khodayari Moez, Douglas M. Hedden, Douglas L. Hill: Schroth Physiotherapeutic Scoliosis-Specific Exercises Added to the Standard of Care Lead to Better Cobb Angle Outcomes in Adolescents with Idiopathic Scoliosis – an Assessor and Statistician Blinded Randomized Controlled Trial. In: PLOS ONE. Band 11, Nr. 12, 29. Dezember 2016, ISSN 1932-6203, S. e0168746, doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0168746, PMID 28033399, PMC 5198985 (freier Volltext) – (plos.org [abgerufen am 10. September 2020]).
  • Tuğba Kuru, İpek Yeldan, E Elçin Dereli, Arzu R Özdinçler, Fatih Dikici: The efficacy of three-dimensional Schroth exercises in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis: a randomised controlled clinical trial. In: Clinical Rehabilitation. Band 30, Nr. 2, Februar 2016, ISSN 0269-2155, S. 181–190, doi:10.1177/0269215515575745 (sagepub.com [abgerufen am 10. September 2020]).
  • Gichul Kim, Pil-neo HwangBo: Effects of Schroth and Pilates exercises on the Cobb angle and weight distribution of patients with scoliosis. In: Journal of Physical Therapy Science. Band 28, Nr. 3, 2016, ISSN 0915-5287, S. 1012–1015, doi:10.1589/jpts.28.1012, PMID 27134403, PMC 4842415 (freier Volltext) – (jst.go.jp [abgerufen am 10. September 2020]).
  • Joo-Hee Park, Hye-Seon Jeon, Ha-Won Park: Effects of the Schroth exercise on idiopathic scoliosis: a meta-analysis. In: European Journal of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine. Band 54, Nr. 3, Juni 2018, ISSN 1973-9095, S. 440–449, doi:10.23736/S1973-9087.17.04461-6, PMID 28976171.