Thomson Gale: Johnson, Katherine Coleman Goble.; abgerufen am 8. März 2016: “I was working with Ted Skopinski and he wanted to leave and go to Houston […] but Pearson, our supervisor — who was not a fan of women — kept pushing him to finish the report we were working on. Finally, Ted told him,‘Katherine should finish the report, she’s done most of the work, anyway.’ So Ted left Pearson with no choice; I finished the report and my name went on it, and that was the first time that a woman in our division had her name on something.”
Katherine Johnson: A Lifetime of STEM. NASA, 6. November 2013; abgerufen am 19. März 2016: “The women did what they were told to do […] They didn’t ask questions or take the task any further. I asked questions; I wanted to know why. They got used to me asking questions and being the only woman there.”
Katherine Johnson. National Visionary; abgerufen am 8. März 2016: “I counted the steps. I counted the plates that I washed. […] I knew how many steps there were from our house to church.”