Kathrin Fenner in der Datenbank renommierter Wissenschaftlerinnen AcademiaNet (englisch), abgerufen am 12. Januar 2022.
Kathrin B. Fenner: Transformation products in environmental risk assessment: joint and secondary persistence as new indicators for the overall hazard of chemical pollutants. 2001, doi:10.3929/ethz-a-004311673 (Dissertation, ETH Zürich).
Damian E. Helbling, Juliane Hollender, Hans-Peter E. Kohler, Heinz Singer, Kathrin Fenner: High-Throughput Identification of Microbial Transformation Products of Organic Micropollutants. In: Environmental Science & Technology. Band44, Nr.17, 1. September 2010, S.6621–6627, doi:10.1021/es100970m.