Katzen (German Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Katzen" in German language version.

Global rank German rank
2nd place
3rd place
201st place
11th place


  • Tim Malmström, Ronald H. H. Kröger: Pupil shapes and lens optics in the eyes of terrestrial vertebrates. In: The Journal of Experimental Biology 209, S. 18–25, 2005. doi:10.1242/jeb.01959
  • A. P. Russel et al.: Scaling relationships within the maxillary tooth row of the Felidae, and the absence of the second upper premolar in Lynx. In: Journal of Zoology. Bd. 236, Nr. 1, 1995, S. 161–182, doi:10.1111/j.1469-7998.1995.tb01791.x.
  • Tor Kvam: Supernumerary teeth in the European lynx, Lynx lynx lynx, and their evolutionary significance. In: Journal of Zoology. Bd. 206, Nr. 1, 1985, S. 17–22, doi:10.1111/j.1469-7998.1985.tb05632.x.
  • Paolo Piras, Leonardo Maiorino, Luciano Teresi, Carlo Meloro, Federico Lucci, Tassos Kotsakis, Pasquale Raia: Bite of the Cats: Relationships between Functional Integration and Mechanical Performance as Revealed by Mandible Geometry. In: Systematic Biology 62 (6), November 2013; S. 878–900. doi:10.1093/sysbio/syt053.
  • Johanna L. A. Paijmans, Ross Barnett, M. Thomas P. Gilbert, M. Lisandra Zepeta-Mendoza, Jelle W. F. Reumer, John de Voss, Grant Zazula, Doris Nagel, Gennady F. Baryshnikov, Jennifer A. Leonard, Nadine Rohland, Michael V. Westbury, Axel Barlow, Michael Hofreiter: Evolutionary history of sabre-toothed cats based on ancient mitogenomics. In: Current Biology. 27, 2017, S. 3330–3336, doi:10.1016/j.cub.2017.09.033.
  • W. E. Johnson, E. Eizirik, J. Pecon-Slattery, W. J. Murphy, A. Antunes, E. Teeling, S.J. O’Brien: The Late Miocene radiation of modern Felidae: a genetic assessment. Science. 311 (5757), 2006: S. 73–77. doi:10.1126/science.1122277
  • Z. Jack Tseng, Xiaoming Wang, Graham J. Slater, Gary T. Takeuchi, Qiang Li, Juan Liu, Guangpu Xie: Himalayan fossils of the oldest known pantherine establish ancient origin of big cats. Proceedings of the Royal Society B - Biological Sciencesvol. 281 no. 1774 20132686, November 2013. DOI:10.1098/rspb.2013.2686
  • Eric Faure, Andrew C. Kitchener: An Archaeological and Historical Review of the Relationships between Felids and People. Anthrozoös 22 (3), 2009, S. 221–238. doi:10.2752/175303709X457577.
