F. J. Kloppers: First Report of Botryotinia fuckeliana on Kerguelen Cabbage on the Sub-Antarctic Marion Island. In: Plant Disease 82 (6):710, 1998, Online
S.B. Young, E.K. Schofield: Palynological evidence for the late glacial occurrence of Pringlea and Lyallia on Kerguelen Island, in: Rhodora, 75:241, 1973, Online
Frederick Ducane Godman, Osbert Salvin: Biologia Centrali-Americana: zoology, botany and archaeology, 1:iv, 1879, Online
„This crop has significant potential and deserves further investigation, including field growth trials in a cool location, and toxicological studies.“, Iain Dawson: New Salad & Vegetable Crops From Australia’s sub-Antarctic Islands, Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation, 1998, ISBN 0-642-57857-5, S. vii, Online (DOC) (Memento vom 26. Oktober 2007 im Internet Archive)
Iain Dawson: New Salad & Vegetable Crops From Australia’s sub-Antarctic Islands, Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation, 1998, ISBN 0-642-57857-5, Online (DOC) (Memento vom 26. Oktober 2007 im Internet Archive)