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Z. B. Scott Turansky, Joanne Miller: Say Goodbye to Whining, Complaining, and Bad Attitutes… in You and Your Kids, Shaw, 2000, ISBN 0-87788-354-8 (eingeschränkte Online-Version in der Google-Buchsuche-USA)
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Z. B.: Jerome D. Frank, Joseph B. Margolin, Helen Nash, Anthony R. Stone, Edith J. Varon: Behavioral patterns in early meetings of therapeutic groups. Band 108, Nummer 10, April 1952, S. 771–778, doi:10.1176/ajp.108.10.771, PMID 14914906. Irvin Yalom, Molyn Leszcz: The Theory and Practice of Group Psychotherapy. Basic Books, 2005, ISBN 0-465-09284-5, S. 391ff (eingeschränkte Online-Version in der Google-Buchsuche-USA). Robin M. Kowalski, Janet R. Erickson: Interpersonal and intrapersonal consequences of complaints. In: Representative Research in Social Psychology, Band 26, 1997, S. 26–33
Z. B.: Jerome D. Frank, Joseph B. Margolin, Helen Nash, Anthony R. Stone, Edith J. Varon: Behavioral patterns in early meetings of therapeutic groups. Band 108, Nummer 10, April 1952, S. 771–778, doi:10.1176/ajp.108.10.771, PMID 14914906. Irvin Yalom, Molyn Leszcz: The Theory and Practice of Group Psychotherapy. Basic Books, 2005, ISBN 0-465-09284-5, S. 391ff (eingeschränkte Online-Version in der Google-Buchsuche-USA). Robin M. Kowalski, Janet R. Erickson: Interpersonal and intrapersonal consequences of complaints. In: Representative Research in Social Psychology, Band 26, 1997, S. 26–33
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Z. B. Scott Turansky, Joanne Miller: Say Goodbye to Whining, Complaining, and Bad Attitutes… in You and Your Kids, Shaw, 2000, ISBN 0-87788-354-8 (eingeschränkte Online-Version in der Google-Buchsuche-USA)
Z. B.: Jerome D. Frank, Joseph B. Margolin, Helen Nash, Anthony R. Stone, Edith J. Varon: Behavioral patterns in early meetings of therapeutic groups. Band 108, Nummer 10, April 1952, S. 771–778, doi:10.1176/ajp.108.10.771, PMID 14914906. Irvin Yalom, Molyn Leszcz: The Theory and Practice of Group Psychotherapy. Basic Books, 2005, ISBN 0-465-09284-5, S. 391ff (eingeschränkte Online-Version in der Google-Buchsuche-USA). Robin M. Kowalski, Janet R. Erickson: Interpersonal and intrapersonal consequences of complaints. In: Representative Research in Social Psychology, Band 26, 1997, S. 26–33