B. Stephens Richards, Shawne Faulks, Karl E. Rathjen, Lori A. Karol, Charles E. Johnston, Sarah A. Jones: A Comparison of Two Nonoperative Methods of Idiopathic Clubfoot Correction: The Ponseti Method and the French Functional (Physiotherapy) Method. In: The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery. Vol. 90, November 2008, ISSN1535-1386, S. 2313–2321, doi:10.2106/JBJS.G.01621.
Hippokrates über den Klumpfuß. (PDF; 6 MB) Medizinische Darstellungen in der griechischen Vasenmalerei im Kontext von Corpus Hippocraticum und moderner Medizin, S. 123
B. Stephens Richards, Shawne Faulks, Karl E. Rathjen, Lori A. Karol, Charles E. Johnston, Sarah A. Jones: A Comparison of Two Nonoperative Methods of Idiopathic Clubfoot Correction: The Ponseti Method and the French Functional (Physiotherapy) Method. In: The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery. Vol. 90, November 2008, ISSN1535-1386, S. 2313–2321, doi:10.2106/JBJS.G.01621.