Naohiko Akimoto, Tomotaka Ugai, Rong Zhong, Tsuyoshi Hamada, Kenji Fujiyoshi, Marios Giannakis, Kana Wu, Yin Cao, Kimmie Ng, Shuji Ogino: Rising incidence of early-onset colorectal cancer — a call to action. In: Nature Reviews Clinical Oncology. Band18, Nr.4, April 2021, ISSN1759-4782, S.230–243, doi:10.1038/s41571-020-00445-1 ( [abgerufen am 6. April 2023]).
Marzieh Araghi, Isabelle Soerjomataram, Aude Bardot, Jacques Ferlay, Citadel J Cabasag, David S Morrison, Prithwish De, Hanna Tervonen, Paul M Walsh, Oliver Bucher, Gerda Engholm, Christopher Jackson, Carol McClure, Ryan R Woods, Nathalie Saint-Jacques, Eileen Morgan, David Ransom, Vicky Thursfield, Bjørn Møller, Suzanne Leonfellner, Marianne G Guren, Freddie Bray, Melina Arnold: Changes in colorectal cancer incidence in seven high-income countries: a population-based study. In: The Lancet Gastroenterology & Hepatology. Band4, Nr.7, Juli 2019, S.511–518, doi:10.1016/S2468-1253(19)30147-5 ( [abgerufen am 6. April 2023]).
Jörg Schullehner, Birgitte Hansen, Malene Thygesen, Carsten B. Pedersen, Torben Sigsgaard: Nitrate in drinking water and colorectal cancer risk: A nationwide population-based cohort study. In: International Journal of Cancer. 143. Jahrgang, Nr.1, 2018, ISSN0020-7136, S.73–79, doi:10.1002/ijc.31306 (englisch).
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G. Walgenbach-Brünagel et al.: The use of a colon cancer associated nuclear antigen CCSA-2 for the blood based detection of colon cancer. In: J. Cell. Biochem., 2008, 104 (1), S. 286–294, PMID 18044711, doi:10.1002/jcb.21619.
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Martin R. Weiser, Meier Hsu, Philip S. Bauer, William C. Chapman, Iván A. González: Clinical Calculator Based on Molecular and Clinicopathologic Characteristics Predicts Recurrence Following Resection of Stage I-III Colon Cancer. In: Journal of Clinical Oncology. Band39, Nr.8, 10. März 2021, ISSN0732-183X, S.911–919, doi:10.1200/JCO.20.02553, PMID 33439688, PMC 8189618 (freier Volltext).
Marzieh Araghi, Isabelle Soerjomataram, Aude Bardot, Jacques Ferlay, Citadel J Cabasag, David S Morrison, Prithwish De, Hanna Tervonen, Paul M Walsh, Oliver Bucher, Gerda Engholm, Christopher Jackson, Carol McClure, Ryan R Woods, Nathalie Saint-Jacques, Eileen Morgan, David Ransom, Vicky Thursfield, Bjørn Møller, Suzanne Leonfellner, Marianne G Guren, Freddie Bray, Melina Arnold: Changes in colorectal cancer incidence in seven high-income countries: a population-based study. In: The Lancet Gastroenterology & Hepatology. Band4, Nr.7, Juli 2019, S.511–518, doi:10.1016/S2468-1253(19)30147-5 ( [abgerufen am 6. April 2023]).
Hengjing Li, Daniel Boakye, Xuechen Chen, Lina Jansen, Jenny Chang-Claude: Associations of body mass index at different ages with early-onset colorectal cancer. In: Gastroenterology. Dezember 2021, S.S0016508521040749, doi:10.1053/j.gastro.2021.12.239 ( [abgerufen am 12. Januar 2022]).
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Naohiko Akimoto, Tomotaka Ugai, Rong Zhong, Tsuyoshi Hamada, Kenji Fujiyoshi, Marios Giannakis, Kana Wu, Yin Cao, Kimmie Ng, Shuji Ogino: Rising incidence of early-onset colorectal cancer — a call to action. In: Nature Reviews Clinical Oncology. Band18, Nr.4, April 2021, ISSN1759-4782, S.230–243, doi:10.1038/s41571-020-00445-1 ( [abgerufen am 6. April 2023]).
E. Botteri, S. Iodice, V. Bagnardi, S. Raimondi, A. B. Lowenfels, P. Maisonneuve: Smoking and colorectal cancer: a meta-analysis. In: JAMA. Band300, Nr.23, 2008, S.2765–2778, doi:10.1001/jama.2008.839, PMID 19088354.
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Y. Ma, Y. Yang, F. Wang, P. Zhang, C. Shi, Y. Zou, H. Qin: Obesity and risk of colorectal cancer: a systematic review of prospective studies. In: PLOS ONE. Band 8, Nummer 1, 2013, S. e53916, doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0053916, PMID 23349764, PMC 3547959 (freier Volltext).
G. Walgenbach-Brünagel et al.: The use of a colon cancer associated nuclear antigen CCSA-2 for the blood based detection of colon cancer. In: J. Cell. Biochem., 2008, 104 (1), S. 286–294, PMID 18044711, doi:10.1002/jcb.21619.
Martin R. Weiser, Meier Hsu, Philip S. Bauer, William C. Chapman, Iván A. González: Clinical Calculator Based on Molecular and Clinicopathologic Characteristics Predicts Recurrence Following Resection of Stage I-III Colon Cancer. In: Journal of Clinical Oncology. Band39, Nr.8, 10. März 2021, ISSN0732-183X, S.911–919, doi:10.1200/JCO.20.02553, PMID 33439688, PMC 8189618 (freier Volltext).
Peter Kaatschet al.: Krebs in Deutschland 2007/2008. Hrsg.: Robert Koch-Institut, Gesellschaft der epidemiologischen Krebsregister in Deutschland e. V. 8. Auflage. Berlin 2012, ISBN 978-3-89606-214-7, S.36–39 ( [PDF]).
Peter M Rothwell, Michelle Wilson, Carl-Eric Elwin, Bo Norrving, Ale Algra, Charles P Warlow, Tom W Meade: Long-term effect of aspirin on colorectal cancer incidence and mortality: 20-year follow-up of five randomised trials. In: The Lancet, Early Online Publication, 22 October 2010, doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(10)61543-7, Abstract; zuletzt abgerufen am 24. Oktober 2010
Naohiko Akimoto, Tomotaka Ugai, Rong Zhong, Tsuyoshi Hamada, Kenji Fujiyoshi, Marios Giannakis, Kana Wu, Yin Cao, Kimmie Ng, Shuji Ogino: Rising incidence of early-onset colorectal cancer — a call to action. In: Nature Reviews Clinical Oncology. Band18, Nr.4, April 2021, ISSN1759-4782, S.230–243, doi:10.1038/s41571-020-00445-1 ( [abgerufen am 6. April 2023]).
Jörg Schullehner, Birgitte Hansen, Malene Thygesen, Carsten B. Pedersen, Torben Sigsgaard: Nitrate in drinking water and colorectal cancer risk: A nationwide population-based cohort study. In: International Journal of Cancer. 143. Jahrgang, Nr.1, 2018, ISSN0020-7136, S.73–79, doi:10.1002/ijc.31306 (englisch).
Martin R. Weiser, Meier Hsu, Philip S. Bauer, William C. Chapman, Iván A. González: Clinical Calculator Based on Molecular and Clinicopathologic Characteristics Predicts Recurrence Following Resection of Stage I-III Colon Cancer. In: Journal of Clinical Oncology. Band39, Nr.8, 10. März 2021, ISSN0732-183X, S.911–919, doi:10.1200/JCO.20.02553, PMID 33439688, PMC 8189618 (freier Volltext).
Nora Burgard-Arp: Darmkrebs bei jungen Menschen: Immer jünger die Patienten, immer fortgeschrittener der Krebs. In: Zeit Online. 6. April 2023 ( [abgerufen am 6. April 2023]).