Substitute for Condensed Milk. In: Food News Service, abgerufen am 26. Juni 2008: „If you have a can of evaporated milk on hand, you can make a very good approximation of condensed milk. In a saucepan, combine a cup of evaporated milk with 1-1/4 cups of sugar. Heat until the sugar is completely dissolved. Let cool. You can refrigerate the mixture for several days.“
Historische Meilensteine. (PDF) Société des Produits Nestlé SA, ehemals im Original (nicht mehr online verfügbar); abgerufen am 3. August 2010: „1911 Dennington Condensed Milk factory built (largest in the world during the war).“
William H Pauly: Condensery competition with factories. In: Proceedings of the Wisconsin Cheese Makers’ Association annual conventions 1916-17-18. Wisconsin Cheese Makers' Association, Madison, WI 1918, S.155–165 ( [abgerufen am 26. Juni 2008]).