Kontrastmittelinduzierte akute Nierenschädigung (German Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Kontrastmittelinduzierte akute Nierenschädigung" in German language version.

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  • Erik D. Bartels, G. C. Brun, A. Gammeltoft, Poul A. Gjørup: Acute Anuria Following Intravenous Pyelography in a Patient with Myelomatosis. In: Acta Medica Scandinavica. 1954, Band 150, Nummer 4, S. 297–302 DOI:10.1111/j.0954-6820.1954.tb18632.x, PMID 13217726.
  • Q. Li, S. Pan: Contrast-Associated Acute Kidney Injury: Advances and Challenges. In: International Journal of General Medicine. Band 15, 2022, S. 1537–1546, DOI:10.2147/IJGM.S341072, PMID 35210826, PMC 8857968 (freier Volltext) (Review).
  • Danilo Fliser, Maurice Laville, u. a.: A European Renal Best Practice (ERBP) position statement on the Kidney Disease Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO) Clinical Practice Guidelines on Acute Kidney Injury: Part 1: definitions, conservative management and contrast-induced nephropathy. In: Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation. 2012, Band 27, Nummer 12, S. 4263–4272 DOI:10.1093/ndt/gfs375.
  • Sameh K. Morcos, H. S. Thomsen, J. A. W. Webb: Contrast-media-induced nephrotoxicity: a consensus report. In: European Radiology. 1999, Band 9, Nummer 8, S. 1602–1613 DOI:10.1007/s003300050894.
  • J. Latus, Vedat Schwenger, u. a.: Kontrastmittelinduzierte akute Nierenschädigung – Konsensuspapier der Arbeitsgemeinschaft „Herz – Niere“ der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Kardiologie – Herz- und Kreislaufforschung e. V. und der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Nephrologie e. V.. In: Der Kardiologe. 2020 doi:10.1007/s12181-020-00411-2.
  • Roxana Mehran, George Dangas, Steven D. Weisbord: Contrast-Associated Acute Kidney Injury. In: The New England Journal of Medicine. Band 380, Nr. 22, 2019, S. 2146–2155, doi:10.1056/NEJMra1805256 (englisch, Review).
  • Jeremiah S. Hinson, Michael R. Ehmann, Derek M. Fine, Elliot K. Fishman, Matthew F. Toerper, Richard E. Rothman, Eili Y. Klein: Risk of Acute Kidney Injury After Intravenous Contrast Media Administration. In: Annals of Emergency Medicine. 2017, Band 69, Nummer 5, S. 577–586.e4 DOI:10.1016/j.annemergmed.2016.11.021.
  • Jennifer S. McDonald, Robert J. McDonald, Eric E. Williamson, David F. Kallmes, Kianoush Kashani: Post-contrast acute kidney injury in intensive care unit patients: a propensity score-adjusted study. In: Intensive Care Medicine. 2017, Band 43, Nummer 6, S. 774–784 DOI:10.1007/s00134-017-4699-y.
  • E. Wilhelm-Leen, M. E. Montez-Rath, G. Chertow: Estimating the Risk of Radiocontrast-Associated Nephropathy. In: Journal of the American Society of Nephrology. Band 28, Nummer 2, Februar 2017, S. 653–659, DOI:10.1681/ASN.2016010021, PMID 27688297, PMC 5280012 (freier Volltext).
  • Jennifer S. McDonald, Robert J. McDonald, Jules Comin, Eric E. Williamson, Richard W. Katzberg, Mohammad Hassan Murad, David F. Kallmes: Frequency of Acute Kidney Injury Following Intravenous Contrast Medium Administration: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. In: Radiology. 2013, Band 267, Nummer 1, S. 119–128 DOI:10.1148/radiol.12121460.
  • Matthew S. Davenport, Mark A. Perazella, Jerry Yee, Jonathan R. Dillman, Derek M. Fine, Robert J. McDonald, Roger A. Rodby, Carolyn L. Wang, Jeffrey C. Weinreb: Use of Intravenous Iodinated Contrast Media in Patients with Kidney Disease: Consensus Statements from the American College of Radiology and the National Kidney Foundation. In: Radiology. 2020, Band 294, Nummer 3, S. 660–668 DOI:10.1148/radiol.2019192094.
  • M. S. Davenport, R. H. Cohan, S. Khalatbari, J. H. Ellis: The challenges in assessing contrast-induced nephropathy: where are we now? In: American Journal of Roentgenology. Band 202, Nummer 4, April 2014, S. 784–789, DOI:10.2214/AJR.13.11369, PMID 24660707 (Review).
  • R. Goulden, B. H. Rowe, M. Abrahamowicz, E. Strumpf, R. Tamblyn: Association of Intravenous Radiocontrast With Kidney Function: A Regression Discontinuity Analysis. In: JAMA Internal Medicine. Band 181, Nummer 6, Juni 2021, S. 767–774, DOI:10.1001/jamainternmed.2021.0916, PMID 33818606, PMC 8022267 (freier Volltext).
  • D. Blair Macdonald, Casey Hurrell, Andreu F. Costa, Matthew D. F. McInnes, Martin E O'Malley, Brendan Barrett, Pierre Antoine Brown, Edward G Clark, Anastasia Hadjivassiliou, Iain D C Kirkpatrick, Jeremy L. Rempel, Paul M Jeon, Greg Knoll: Canadian Association of Radiologists Guidance on Contrast Associated Acute Kidney Injury. In: Canadian Association of Radiologists Journal. 2022, Band 73, Nummer 3, S. 499–514 doi:10.1177/08465371221083970.
  • Q. A. Rao, J. H. Newhouse: Risk of nephropathy after intravenous administration of contrast material: a critical literature analysis. In: Radiology. Band 239, Nummer 2, Mai 2006, S. 392–397, DOI:10.1148/radiol.2392050413, PMID 16543592 (Review).
  • S. J. Schwab, M. A. Hlatky, K. S. Pieper, C. J. Davidson, K. G. Morris, T. N. Skelton, T. M. Bashore: Contrast nephrotoxicity: a randomized controlled trial of a nonionic and an ionic radiographic contrast agent. In: The New England Journal of Medicine. Band 320, Nummer 3, Januar 1989, S. 149–153, DOI:10.1056/NEJM198901193200304, PMID 2643042.
  • Estelle C. Nijssen, Patty J. Nelemans, Roger J M W Rennenberg, Vincent van Ommen, Joachim E. Wildberger: Prophylactic Intravenous Hydration to Protect Renal Function From Intravascular Iodinated Contrast Material (AMACING): Long-term Results of a Prospective, Randomised, Controlled Trial. In: EClinicalMedicine. 2018, Band 4–5, S. 109–116 doi:10.1016/j.eclinm.2018.10.007.
  • Rohit J. Timal, Judith Kooiman, Yvo W. J. Sijpkens, Jean-Paul P.M. de Vries, Iris J. A. M. Verberk-Jonkers, Harald F. H. Brulez, Marjolijn van Buren, Aart J. van der Molen, Suzanne C. Cannegieter, Hein Putter, Wilbert B. van den Hout, J. Wouter Jukema, Ton J. Rabelink, Menno V. Huisman: Effect of No Prehydration vs Sodium Bicarbonate Prehydration Prior to Contrast-Enhanced Computed Tomography in the Prevention of Postcontrast Acute Kidney Injury in Adults With Chronic Kidney Disease. In: JAMA Internal Medicine. 2020, Band 180, Nummer 4, S. 533 doi:10.1001/jamainternmed.2019.7428.
  • E. A. Hoste, J. J. De Waele, S. A. Gevaert, S. Uchino, J. A. Kellum: Sodium bicarbonate for prevention of contrast-induced acute kidney injury: a systematic review and meta-analysis. In: Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation. Band 25, Nummer 3, März 2010, S. 747–758, doi:10.1093/ndt/gfp389, PMID 19703838 (englisch, Review).
  • J. Wiora, R. Westenfeld: Kontrastmittelinduziertes Nierenversagen. In: Der Internist. 2019 doi:10.1007/s00108-019-0651-2.
  • Act Investigators: Acetylcysteine for Prevention of Renal Outcomes in Patients Undergoing Coronary and Peripheral Vascular Angiography. In: Circulation. 2011, Band 124, Nummer 11, S. 1250–1259 doi:10.1161/circulationaha.111.038943.
  • M. R. Rudnick, J. S. Berns, R. M. Cohen, S. Goldfarb: Nephrotoxic risks of renal angiography: contrast media-associated nephrotoxicity and atheroembolism–a critical review. In: American Journal of Kidney Diseases. Band 24, Nummer 4, Oktober 1994, S. 713–727, doi:10.1016/s0272-6386(12)80235-6, PMID 7942832 (Review).
  • R. J. Solomon, R. Mehran, M. K. Natarajan, S. Doucet, R. E. Katholi, C. S. Staniloae, S. K. Sharma, M. Labinaz, J. L. Gelormini, B. J. Barrett: Contrast-induced nephropathy and long-term adverse events: cause and effect? In: Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology. Band 4, Nummer 7, Juli 2009, S. 1162–1169, doi:10.2215/CJN.00550109, PMID 19556381, PMC 2709519 (freier Volltext).
  • S. D. Weisbord, H. Chen, R. A. Stone, K. E. Kip, M. J. Fine, M. I. Saul, P. M. Palevsky: Associations of increases in serum creatinine with mortality and length of hospital stay after coronary angiography. In: Journal of the American Society of Nephrology. Band 17, Nummer 10, Oktober 2006, S. 2871–2877, doi:10.1681/ASN.2006030301, PMID 16928802.
  • Aaron M. From, Brian J. Bartholmai, Amy W. Williams, Stephen S. Cha, Furman S. McDonald: Mortality Associated With Nephropathy After Radiographic Contrast Exposure. In: Mayo Clinic Proceedings. 2008, Band 83, Nummer 10, S. 1095–1100 doi:10.4065/83.10.1095.
  • Daniele Giacoppo, Sahil A. Parikh, u. a.: Impact of Contrast-Induced Acute Kidney Injury After Percutaneous Coronary Intervention on Short- and Long-Term Outcomes. In: Circulation-cardiovascular Interventions. 2015, Band 8, Nummer 8 doi:10.1161/CIRCINTERVENTIONS.114.002475.
  • Charanjit S. Rihal, Stephen C. Textor, u. a.: Incidence and Prognostic Importance of Acute Renal Failure After Percutaneous Coronary Intervention. In: Circulation. 2002, Band 105, Nummer 19, S. 2259–2264 doi:10.1161/01.cir.0000016043.87291.33.
  • A. Sato, K. Aonuma, M. Watanabe, A. Hirayama, N. Tamaki, H. Tsutsui, M. Toyoaki, H. Ogawa, T. Akasaka, M. Yoshimura, T. Takayama, M. Sakakibara, S. Suzuki, K. Ishigami, K. Onoue, Y. Saito: Association of contrast-induced nephropathy with risk of adverse clinical outcomes in patients with cardiac catheterization: From the CINC-J study. In: International Journal of Cardiology. Band 227, Januar 2017, S. 424–429, doi:10.1016/j.ijcard.2016.11.019, PMID 27838134.
  • Georgios K. Chalikias, Ioannis Drosos, Dimitrios Tziakas: Contrast-Induced Acute Kidney Injury: An Update. In: Cardiovascular Drugs and Therapy. 2016, Band 30, Nummer 2, S. 215–228 doi:10.1007/s10557-015-6635-0.
  • M. Rudnick, H. Feldman: Contrast-induced nephropathy: what are the true clinical consequences? In: Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology. Band 3, Nummer 1, Januar 2008, S. 263–272, doi:10.2215/CJN.03690907, PMID 18178787 (Review).

