J. V. Rosenfeld: Gunshot injury to the head and spine. In: Journal of clinical neuroscience: official journal of the Neurosurgical Society of Australasia. Band 9, Nummer 1, Januar 2002, S. 9–16; ISSN0967-5868. doi:10.1054/jocn.2001.0949. PMID 11749010. (Review).
R. S. Martins, M. G. Siqueira u. a.: Prognostic factors and treatment of penetrating gunshot wounds to the head. In: Surgical Neurology, Band 60, Nummer 2, August 2003, S. 98–104, ISSN0090-3019. PMID 12900108.
U. Katzenell, N. Ash u. a.: Analysis of the causes of death of casualties in field military setting. In: Military medicine, Band 177, Nr. 9, September 2012, S. 1065–1068; ISSN0026-4075. PMID 23025136.
J. V. Rosenfeld: Gunshot injury to the head and spine. In: Journal of clinical neuroscience: official journal of the Neurosurgical Society of Australasia. Band 9, Nummer 1, Januar 2002, S. 9–16; ISSN0967-5868. doi:10.1054/jocn.2001.0949. PMID 11749010. (Review).
R. S. Martins, M. G. Siqueira u. a.: Prognostic factors and treatment of penetrating gunshot wounds to the head. In: Surgical Neurology, Band 60, Nummer 2, August 2003, S. 98–104, ISSN0090-3019. PMID 12900108.
U. Katzenell, N. Ash u. a.: Analysis of the causes of death of casualties in field military setting. In: Military medicine, Band 177, Nr. 9, September 2012, S. 1065–1068; ISSN0026-4075. PMID 23025136.
J. V. Rosenfeld: Gunshot injury to the head and spine. In: Journal of clinical neuroscience: official journal of the Neurosurgical Society of Australasia. Band 9, Nummer 1, Januar 2002, S. 9–16; ISSN0967-5868. doi:10.1054/jocn.2001.0949. PMID 11749010. (Review).