Kreide (Geologie) (German Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Kreide (Geologie)" in German language version.

Global rank German rank
2nd place
3rd place
120th place
143rd place
26th place
153rd place
4,125th place
304th place
507th place
750th place

  • Peter Bengtson, Mikheil V. Kakabadze: Ammonites and the mid-Cretaceous saga. In: Cretaceous Research. Volume 88, August 2018, S. 90–99, doi:10.1016/j.cretres.2017.10.003
  • D. B. Norman: A Mass-Accumulation of Vertebrates from the Lower Cretaceous of Nehden (Sauerland), West Germany. In: Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological Sciences. Band 230, Nr. 1259, 1987, S. 215–255, doi:10.1098/rspb.1987.0017, JSTOR:36060.
  • Klaus-Peter Lanser, Ulrich Heimhofer: Evidence of theropod dinosaurs from a Lower Cretaceous karst filling in the northern Sauerland (Rhenish Massif, Germany). In: Paläontologische Zeitschrift. Band 89, Nr. 1, 2015, S. 79–94, doi:10.1007/s12542-013-0215-z
  • Zoltan Csiki-Sava, Eric Buffetaut, Attila Ősi, Xabier Pereda-Suberbiola, Stephen L. Brusatte: Island life in the Cretaceous – faunal composition, biogeography, evolution, and extinction of land-living vertebrates on the Late Cretaceous European archipelago. In: ZooKeys. 469. Jahrgang, Januar 2015, S. 1–161, doi:10.3897/zookeys.469.8439.
  • Qiang Ji, Zhe-Xi Luo, Chong-Xi Yuan, John R. Wible, Jian-Ping Zhang, Justin A. Georgi: The earliest known eutherian mammal. Nature. Band 416, 2002, S. 816–822, doi:10.1038/416816a (alternativer Volltextzugriff: ResearchGate).
  • Yaoming Hu, Jin Meng, Yuanqing Wang, Chuankui Li: Large Mesozoic mammals fed on young dinosaurs. Nature. Band 433, 2005, S. 149–152, doi:10.1038/nature03102 (alternativer Volltextzugriff: ResearchGate).
  • Margot Böse, Jürgen Ehlers, Frank Lehmkuhl: Land und Meer im Wandel – Norddeutschland bevor die Eiszeit kam. In: Deutschlands Norden: vom Erdaltertum zur Gegenwart. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg 2018, ISBN 978-3-662-55373-2, 2.3.4. Kreide, S. 21–39, doi:10.1007/978-3-662-55373-2_2.
  • Madison East, R. Dietmar Müller, Simon Williams, Sabin Zahirovic, Christian Heine: Subduction history reveals Cretaceous slab superflux as a possible cause for the mid-Cretaceous plume pulse and superswell events. In: Gondwana Research. 79. Jahrgang, März 2020, S. 125–139, doi:10.1016/ (englisch).
  • A. Bornemann, R. D. Norris, O. Friedrich, B. Beckmann, S. Schouten, J. S. Sinninghe Damsté, J. Vogel, P. Hofmann, T. Wagner: Isotopic Evidence for Glaciation During the Cretaceous Supergreenhouse. In: Science. Band 319, Nr. 5860, Januar 2008, S. 189–192, doi:10.1126/science.1148777.
  • Kenneth G. MacLeod, Brian T. Huber, Álvaro Jiménez Berrocoso, Ines Wendler: A stable and hot Turonian without glacial δ18O excursions is indicated by exquisitely preserved Tanzanian foraminifera. In: Geology. 41. Jahrgang, Nr. 10, Oktober 2013, S. 1083–1086, doi:10.1130/G34510.1 (englisch, [PDF]).
  • N. F. Alley, S. B. Hore, L. A. Frakes: Glaciations at high-latitude Southern Australia during the Early Cretaceous. In: Australian Journal of Earth Sciences (Geological Society of Australia). April 2019, doi:10.1080/08120099.2019.1590457 (englisch, [PDF]).
  • Pincelli M. Hull, André Bornemann, Donald E. Penman, Michael J. Henehan, Richard D. Norris, Paul A. Wilson, Peter Blum, Laia Alegret, Sietske J. Batenburg, Paul R. Bown und 26 weitere Autoren: On impact and volcanism across the Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary. In: Science. 367. Jahrgang, Nr. 6475, Januar 2020, S. 266–272, doi:10.1126/science.aay5055 (englisch).
  • Michael J. Henehan, Andy Ridgwell, Ellen Thomas, Shuang Zhang, Laia Alegret, Daniela N. Schmidt, James W. B. Rae, James D. Witts, Neil H. Landman, Sarah E. Greene, Brian T. Huber, James R. Super, Noah J. Planavsky, Pincelli M. Hull: Rapid ocean acidification and protracted Earth system recovery followed the end-Cretaceous Chicxulub impact. In: PNAS. 116. Jahrgang, Nr. 43, Oktober 2019, doi:10.1073/pnas.1905989116 (englisch).
  • Mark A. Richards, Walter Alvarez, Stephen Self, Leif Karlstrom, Paul R. Renne, Michael Manga, Courtney J. Sprain, Jan Smit, Loÿc Vanderkluysen, Sally A. Gibson: Triggering of the largest Deccan eruptions by the Chicxulub impact. In: Geological Society of America Bulletin. April 2015, doi:10.1130/B31167.1 (englisch, [PDF]).

  • D. B. Norman: A Mass-Accumulation of Vertebrates from the Lower Cretaceous of Nehden (Sauerland), West Germany. In: Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological Sciences. Band 230, Nr. 1259, 1987, S. 215–255, doi:10.1098/rspb.1987.0017, JSTOR:36060.

  • Qiang Ji, Zhe-Xi Luo, Chong-Xi Yuan, John R. Wible, Jian-Ping Zhang, Justin A. Georgi: The earliest known eutherian mammal. Nature. Band 416, 2002, S. 816–822, doi:10.1038/416816a (alternativer Volltextzugriff: ResearchGate).
  • Yaoming Hu, Jin Meng, Yuanqing Wang, Chuankui Li: Large Mesozoic mammals fed on young dinosaurs. Nature. Band 433, 2005, S. 149–152, doi:10.1038/nature03102 (alternativer Volltextzugriff: ResearchGate).
  • Kenneth G. MacLeod, Brian T. Huber, Álvaro Jiménez Berrocoso, Ines Wendler: A stable and hot Turonian without glacial δ18O excursions is indicated by exquisitely preserved Tanzanian foraminifera. In: Geology. 41. Jahrgang, Nr. 10, Oktober 2013, S. 1083–1086, doi:10.1130/G34510.1 (englisch, [PDF]).
  • Mark A. Richards, Walter Alvarez, Stephen Self, Leif Karlstrom, Paul R. Renne, Michael Manga, Courtney J. Sprain, Jan Smit, Loÿc Vanderkluysen, Sally A. Gibson: Triggering of the largest Deccan eruptions by the Chicxulub impact. In: Geological Society of America Bulletin. April 2015, doi:10.1130/B31167.1 (englisch, [PDF]).

  • N. F. Alley, S. B. Hore, L. A. Frakes: Glaciations at high-latitude Southern Australia during the Early Cretaceous. In: Australian Journal of Earth Sciences (Geological Society of Australia). April 2019, doi:10.1080/08120099.2019.1590457 (englisch, [PDF]).

  • Peter Wellnhofer: Ein Dinosaurier (Hadrosauridae) aus der Oberkreide (Maastricht, Helvetikum-Zone) des bayerischen Alpenvorlandes. In: Mitteilungen der Bayerischen Staatssammlung für Paläontologie und historische Geologie. Band 34, 1994, S. 221–238 ( [PDF; 5 MB]).