Johan Rhen: TaleSpin Comic Books. In: Disneyania. 16. November 2002, abgerufen am 22. Februar 2021 (englisch).
TaleSpin: Volume 2 DVD Review. In: 13. November 2007, abgerufen am 14. August 2020 (englisch): „[I’m impressed by] the rich characterizations and complex stories […] for children and adults [as well as] the series' originality.“
TaleSpin: Volume 1 DVD Review. In: 29. August 2006, abgerufen am 14. August 2020 (englisch): „as entertaining and engaging as some of the best beacons of television animation“
Ken Tucker: Tale Spin. In: Entertainment Weekly. 7. September 1990, abgerufen am 22. Februar 2021 (englisch): „The animation is marvelous, rich, and detailed; the scripts are funnier and more complex than most prime-time sitcoms. And Tale Spin isn’t saddled with the sort of moralizing that bogs down so many children’s programs these days. As its punning title implies, the show is most interested in telling good, rousing stories — and it does.“
All In A Disney Afternoon Chapter 4: TaleSpin. In: Retro Oasis. 11. April 2018, abgerufen am 14. August 2020 (englisch): „The animation isn't as up to snuff from DuckTales [but TaleSpin still] topped DuckTales from its spot [because it] remained consistent throughout[.]“