W. John Kress, John D. Mood, Mamiyil Sabu, Linda M. Prince, Santanu Dey, E. Sanoj: Larsenianthus, a new Asian genus of Gingers (Zingiberaceae) with four species. In: PhytoKeys. Nr.1, 2010, ISSN1314-2003, S.28–31, doi:10.3897/phytokeys.1.658.
W. John Kress, John D. Mood, Mamiyil Sabu, Linda M. Prince, Santanu Dey, E. Sanoj: Larsenianthus, a new Asian genus of Gingers (Zingiberaceae) with four species. In: PhytoKeys. Nr.1, 2010, ISSN1314-2003, S.28–31, doi:10.3897/phytokeys.1.658.