Letzteiszeitliches Maximum (German Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Letzteiszeitliches Maximum" in German language version.

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  • Darstellung basierend auf Thomas J. Crowley: Ice age terrestrial carbon changes revisited. In: Global Biogeochemical Cycles. 9, Nr. 3, 1995, S. 377–389, doi:10.1029/95GB01107.
  • S. R. Hemming: Heinrich events: massive late Pleistocene detritus layers of the North Atlantic and their global climate imprint. In: Rev. Geophys. Band 42, Nr. 1, 2004, doi:10.1029/2003RG000128.
  • Peter U. Clark u. a.: The Last Glacial Maximum. In: Science. Band 325, Nr. 5941, 8. Juli 2009, S. 710–714, doi:10.1126/science.1172873, PMID 19661421.
  • Bigelow, N. H. u. a.: Climate change and Arctic ecosystems: 1. Vegetation changes north of 55°N between the last glacial maximum, mid-Holocene, and present. In: Journal of Geophysical Research. Band 108, 2003, S. 8170, doi:10.1029/2002JD002558.
  • D. Dahl-Jensen u. a.: Past Temperatures Directly from the Greenland Ice Sheet. In: Science. Band 282, Nr. 5387, 10. September 1998, S. 268–271, doi:10.1126/science.282.5387.268, PMID 9765146.
  • Barbara Stenni u. a.: An Oceanic Cold Reversal During the Last Deglaciation. In: Science. Band 293, Nr. 5537, 14. September 2001, S. 2074–2077, doi:10.1126/science.1059702, PMID 11557889.
  • Jess F. Adkins, Katherine McIntyre, Daniel P. Schrag: The Salinity, Temperature, and δ18O of the Glacial Deep Ocean. In: Science. Band 298, Nr. 5599, 29. November 2002, S. 1769–1773, doi:10.1126/science.1076252, PMID 12459585.
  • Bette L. Otto-Bliesner, Esther C. Brady, Gabriel Clauzet, Robert Tomas, Samuel Levis, Zav Kothavala: Last Glacial Maximum and Holocene Climate in CCSM3. In: Journal of Climate. Band 19, Nr. 11, 1. Juni 2006, S. 2526–2544, doi:10.1175/JCLI3748.1.
  • D. J. Lunt, M. S. Williamson, P. J. Valdes, T. M. Lenton, R. Marsh: Comparing transient, accelerated, and equilibrium simulations of the last 30 000 years with the GENIE-1 model. In: Clim. Past. Band 2, Nr. 2, 28. November 2006, S. 221–235, doi:10.5194/cp-2-221-2006.
  • A. de Vernal u. a.: Reconstruction of sea-surface conditions at middle to high latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) based on dinoflagellate cyst assemblages. In: Quaternary Science Reviews. Band 24, Nr. 7–9, April 2005, S. 897–924, doi:10.1016/j.quascirev.2004.06.014.
  • Rainer Gersonde, Xavier Crosta, Andrea Abelmann, Leanne Armand: Sea-surface temperature and sea ice distribution of the Southern Ocean at the EPILOG Last Glacial Maximum—a circum-Antarctic view based on siliceous microfossil records. In: Quaternary Science Reviews. Band 24, Nr. 7–9, April 2005, S. 869–896, doi:10.1016/j.quascirev.2004.07.015.
  • W. R. Peltier, R. G. Fairbanks: Global glacial ice volume and Last Glacial Maximum duration from an extended Barbados sea level record. In: Quaternary Science Reviews. Band 25, Nr. 23–24, Dezember 2006, S. 3322–3337, doi:10.1016/j.quascirev.2006.04.010.
  • C. Waelbroeck u. a.: Sea-level and deep water temperature changes derived from benthic foraminifera isotopic records. In: Quaternary Science Reviews. Band 21, Nr. 1–3, Januar 2002, S. 295–305, doi:10.1016/S0277-3791(01)00101-9.
  • Kurt Lambeck, John Chappell: Sea Level Change Through the Last Glacial Cycle. In: Science. Band 292, Nr. 5517, 27. April 2001, S. 679–686, doi:10.1126/science.1059549, PMID 11326090.
  • Jan Mangerud u. a.: Ice-dammed lakes and rerouting of the drainage of northern Eurasia during the Last Glaciation. In: Quaternary Science Reviews. Band 23, Nr. 11–13, Juni 2004, S. 1313–1332, doi:10.1016/j.quascirev.2003.12.009.
  • Ugo A. Perego u. a.: The initial peopling of the Americas: A growing number of founding mitochondrial genomes from Beringia. In: Genome Research. Band 20, Nr. 9, 9. Januar 2010, S. 1174–1179, doi:10.1101/gr.109231.110, PMID 20587512.
  • Jorge Rabassa u. a.: Quaternary of Tierra del Fuego, Southernmost South America: an updated review. In: Quaternary International. Band 68–71, Juni 2000, S. 217–240, doi:10.1016/S1040-6182(00)00046-X.



  • Peter U. Clark u. a.: The Last Glacial Maximum. In: Science. Band 325, Nr. 5941, 8. Juli 2009, S. 710–714, doi:10.1126/science.1172873, PMID 19661421.
  • D. Dahl-Jensen u. a.: Past Temperatures Directly from the Greenland Ice Sheet. In: Science. Band 282, Nr. 5387, 10. September 1998, S. 268–271, doi:10.1126/science.282.5387.268, PMID 9765146.
  • Barbara Stenni u. a.: An Oceanic Cold Reversal During the Last Deglaciation. In: Science. Band 293, Nr. 5537, 14. September 2001, S. 2074–2077, doi:10.1126/science.1059702, PMID 11557889.
  • Jess F. Adkins, Katherine McIntyre, Daniel P. Schrag: The Salinity, Temperature, and δ18O of the Glacial Deep Ocean. In: Science. Band 298, Nr. 5599, 29. November 2002, S. 1769–1773, doi:10.1126/science.1076252, PMID 12459585.
  • Kurt Lambeck, John Chappell: Sea Level Change Through the Last Glacial Cycle. In: Science. Band 292, Nr. 5517, 27. April 2001, S. 679–686, doi:10.1126/science.1059549, PMID 11326090.
  • Ugo A. Perego u. a.: The initial peopling of the Americas: A growing number of founding mitochondrial genomes from Beringia. In: Genome Research. Band 20, Nr. 9, 9. Januar 2010, S. 1174–1179, doi:10.1101/gr.109231.110, PMID 20587512.