Meg Hafdahl, Kelly Florence: The Science of Women in Horror: The Special Effects, Stunts, and True Stories Behind Your Favorite Fright Films, Simon & Schuster, 2020, S. 140 [1]: „The Shining (1980) contains the iconic scene of the old woman in room 237, Mrs. Lorraine Massey (Lia Beldam), emerging from the bathtub as a young and beautiful woman, only to turn into an old woman covered in sores.“
Michael Palan: Whatever Happened To The Cast Of The Shining? Lia Beldam (Young Woman in Bath). In: 24. Oktober 2022, abgerufen am 30. September 2023 (englisch): „Lia Beldam was a Swiss model working in London when she auditioned to play a patron in The Overlook's ballroom scene, but nude photos in her portfolio had the casting directors thinking otherwise. Beldam told Halloween Love they saw in her a "portentous ghost," and she was cast to play the seductive naked bather in room 237, who tempts Jack Torrance into a slippery situation.“