Joseph-Marie Quérard: La littérature française contemporaine: XIXe siècle. Band1. Daguin Frères, Paris 1842, S.254–56 (
Sarah Josepha Buell Hale: Woman’s Record, or Sketches of All Distinguished Women from the Creation to A.D. 1854, arranged in four eras, with selections from female writers of every age. Harper & Bros., New York 1855, S.583–84 (
Gustave Vapereau: Dictionnaire universel des contemporains. 2. Auflage. Hachette et cie, Paris 1861, S.150 (
Pam Hirsch: Barbara Leigh Smith Bodichon: Feminist, Artist and Rebel. Pimlico (Random House), London 1999, ISBN 978-0-7011-6797-4 (