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Mohamad Sleiman, Hugo Destaillats, Jared D. Smith, Chen-Lin Liu, Musahid Ahmed: Secondary organic aerosol formation from ozone-initiated reactions with nicotine and secondhand tobacco smoke. In: Atmospheric Environment. Band44, Nr.34, November 2010, ISSN1352-2310, S.4191–4198, doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2010.07.023 (elsevier.com).
Sanghwa Kim, Seong-Ho Hong, Choon-Keun Bong, Myung-Haing Cho: Characterization of air freshener emission: the potential health effects. In: The Journal of Toxicological Sciences. Band40, Nr.5, 2015, ISSN0388-1350, S.535–550, doi:10.2131/jts.40.535 (jst.go.jp).
Alexandra Farrow, Hazel Taylor, Kate Northstone, Jean Golding: Symptoms of Mothers and Infants Related to Total Volatile Organic Compounds in Household Products. In: Archives of Environmental Health: An International Journal. Band58, Nr.10, Oktober 2003, ISSN0003-9896, S.633–641, doi:10.3200/aeoh.58.10.633-641 (tandfonline.com).
Sanghwa Kim, Seong-Ho Hong, Choon-Keun Bong, Myung-Haing Cho: Characterization of air freshener emission: the potential health effects. In: The Journal of Toxicological Sciences. Band40, Nr.5, 2015, ISSN0388-1350, S.535–550, doi:10.2131/jts.40.535 (jst.go.jp).
Mohamad Sleiman, Hugo Destaillats, Jared D. Smith, Chen-Lin Liu, Musahid Ahmed: Secondary organic aerosol formation from ozone-initiated reactions with nicotine and secondhand tobacco smoke. In: Atmospheric Environment. Band44, Nr.34, November 2010, ISSN1352-2310, S.4191–4198, doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2010.07.023 (elsevier.com).
Alexandra Farrow, Hazel Taylor, Kate Northstone, Jean Golding: Symptoms of Mothers and Infants Related to Total Volatile Organic Compounds in Household Products. In: Archives of Environmental Health: An International Journal. Band58, Nr.10, Oktober 2003, ISSN0003-9896, S.633–641, doi:10.3200/aeoh.58.10.633-641 (tandfonline.com).