Luftröhre (German Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Luftröhre" in German language version.

Global rank German rank
2nd place
3rd place
4th place
7th place

  • A. Tanrivermis Sayit, M. Elmali, D. Saglam, C. Celenk: The diseases of airway-tracheal diverticulum: a review of the literature. In: Journal of thoracic disease. Band 8, Nummer 10, Oktober 2016, S. E1163–E1167, doi:10.21037/jtd.2016.10.92, PMID 27867581, PMC 5107528 (freier Volltext) (Review).

  • A. Tanrivermis Sayit, M. Elmali, D. Saglam, C. Celenk: The diseases of airway-tracheal diverticulum: a review of the literature. In: Journal of thoracic disease. Band 8, Nummer 10, Oktober 2016, S. E1163–E1167, doi:10.21037/jtd.2016.10.92, PMID 27867581, PMC 5107528 (freier Volltext) (Review).