María Iranzo Cabrera, Rhiannon McGlade: (Re)negotiating Freedom of Expression in the Spanish Transition: The Case of El Papus (1973–1987). In: Bulletin of Spanish Visual Studies. Band4, Nr.2, 2. Juli 2020, ISSN2474-1604, S.209–237, doi:10.1080/24741604.2020.1825126.
María Iranzo Cabrera, Rhiannon McGlade: (Re)negotiating Freedom of Expression in the Spanish Transition: The Case of El Papus (1973–1987). In: Bulletin of Spanish Visual Studies. Band4, Nr.2, 2. Juli 2020, ISSN2474-1604, S.209–237, doi:10.1080/24741604.2020.1825126.