Milford Bateman, Maren Duvendack & Nicholas Loubere: "Is fin-tech the new panacea for poverty alleviation and local development? Contesting Suri and Jack’s M-Pesa findings published in Science." Review of African Political Economy. June 2019.[1] bzw. in frei zugänglicher Kurzform: Bateman, Duvendack, Loubere: "Another False Messiah: The Rise and Rise of Fin-tech in Africa." Review of African Political Economy Blog.
Milford Bateman, Maren Duvendack & Nicholas Loubere: "Is fin-tech the new panacea for poverty alleviation and local development? Contesting Suri and Jack’s M-Pesa findings published in Science." Review of African Political Economy. June 2019.[1] bzw. in frei zugänglicher Kurzform: Bateman, Duvendack, Loubere: "Another False Messiah: The Rise and Rise of Fin-tech in Africa." Review of African Political Economy Blog.