MALDI-TOF (German Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "MALDI-TOF" in German language version.

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  • Michael Karas, Doris Bachmann, Franz Hillenkamp. Influence of the wavelength in high-irradiance ultraviolet laser desorption mass spectrometry of organic molecules. In: Analytical Chem 57/1985: 2935–2939. doi:10.1021/ac00291a042
  • Michael Karas, U. Bahr. Laser desorption ionization mass spectrometry of large biomolecules. In: Trends Analyt Chem 9/1990: 321–325. doi:10.1016/0165-9936(90)85065-F
  • Michael Karas, U. Bahr. Laser desorption ionization mass spectrometry of bioorganic molecules. In: Methods Mol Biol 17/1993: 215–228. doi:10.1385/0-89603-215-9:215
  • Michael Karas, Ralf Krüger: Ion formation in MALDI: The cluster ionization mechanism. In: Chem Rev 103/2003: 427–440. doi:10.1021/cr010376a.
  • J. L. Norris, N. A. Porter, R. M. Caprioli: Mass spectrometry of intracellular and membrane proteins using cleavable detergents. In: Analytical chemistry. Band 75, Nummer 23, Dezember 2003, S. 6642–6647. doi:10.1021/ac034802z. PMID 14640740.
  • R. Gottardo, A. Chiarini, I. Dal Prà, C. Seri, C. Rimondo, G. Serpelloni, U. Armato, F. Tagliaro: Direct screening of herbal blends for new synthetic cannabinoids by MALDI-TOF MS. In: Journal of Mass Spectrometry Band 47, Nummer 1, Januar 2012, S. 141–146. doi:10.1002/jms.2036. PMID 22282100.
  • L. Signor, E. Boeri Erba: Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time of flight (MALDI-TOF) mass spectrometric analysis of intact proteins larger than 100 kDa. In: Journal of visualized experiments : JoVE. Nummer 79, 2013. doi:10.3791/50635. PMID 24056304. PMC 3857990 (freier Volltext).
  • Fahad J Alharbi, Tarekegn Geberhiwot, Derralynn A Hughes, Douglas G Ward. A novel rapid MALDI-TOF-MS-based method for measuring urinary globotriaosylceramide in Fabry patients. In: J Am Soc Mass Spectrom 27/2016:719–725. doi:10.1007/s13361-015-1318-4.
  • M. Pavlovic, K. Grünwald, V. Zeller-Péronnet, M. Maggipinto, I. Huber, R. Konrad, A. Berger, U. Messelhäußer, P. Zimmermann, S. Hörmansdorfer, A. Sing, U. Busch: Identifizierung von Bakterien mit dem MALDI Biotyper am Bayerischen Landesamt für Gesundheit und Lebensmittelsicherheit. In: Das Gesundheitswesen. 73/2011, doi:10.1055/s-0031-1274482
  • P Nenoff, M Erhard, J C Simon, J Herrmann, G K Muylowa, W Rataj, Yvonne Gräser. MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry: A rapid method for the identification of dermatophyte species. In: Med Mycol 51/2013: 17–24. doi:10.3109/13693786.2012.685186
  • Peter Lasch, Herbert Nattermann, Marcel Erhard, Maren Stämmler, Roland Grunow: MALDI-TOF Mass Spectrometry Compatible Inactivation Method for Highly Pathogenic Microbial Cells and Spores. In: Analytical Chemistry. Band 80, Nr. 6, 15. März 2008, ISSN 0003-2700, S. 2026–2034, doi:10.1021/ac701822j.
  • Jörg Rau, Nadine Korte, Martin Dyk, Olivera Wenninger, Pat Schreiter, Ekkehard Hiller: Rapid animal species identification of feta and mozzarella cheese using MALDI-TOF mass-spectrometry. In: Food Control. Band 117, 2020, ISSN 0956-7135, S. 107349, doi:10.1016/j.foodcont.2020.107349 (
  • Antje Stahl, Uwe Schröder: Development of a MALDI–TOF MS-Based Protein Fingerprint Database of Common Food Fish Allowing Fast and Reliable Identification of Fraud and Substitution. In: Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. Band 65, Nr. 34, 2017, ISSN 0021-8561, S. 7519–7527, doi:10.1021/acs.jafc.7b02826.
  • Jörg Kriegsmann, Mark Kriegsmann, Rita Casadonte: MALDI TOF imaging mass spectrometry in clinical pathology: A valuable tool for cancer diagnostics (Review). In: Int J Oncol 46/2015: 893–906. doi:10.3892/ijo.2014.2788.
  • H. Li, Z. Tang, H. Zhu, H. Ge, S. Cui, W. Jiang: Proteomic study of benign and malignant pleural effusion. In: Journal of cancer research and clinical oncology. Band 142, Nummer 6, Juni 2016, S. 1191–1200, doi:10.1007/s00432-016-2130-7, PMID 26945985.
  • K. Jia, W. Li, F. Wang, H. Qu, Y. Qiao, L. Zhou, Y. Sun, Q. Ma, X. Zhao: Novel circulating peptide biomarkers for esophageal squamous cell carcinoma revealed by a magnetic bead-based MALDI-TOFMS assay. In: Oncotarget. Band 7, Nummer 17, April 2016, S. 23569–23580, doi:10.18632/oncotarget.8123, PMID 26993605, PMC 5029648 (freier Volltext).
  • DIN EN ISO 10927:2018-10, Kunststoffe - Bestimmung der Molmasse und Molmassenverteilung von polymeren Spezies durch matrixunterstützte Laser-Desorptions/Ionisations-Flugzeit-Massenspektrometrie (MALDI-TOF-MS) Deutsche Fassung. Beuth Verlag, doi:10.31030/2843045.
  • Simone König, Oliver Kollas, Klaus Dreisewerd: Generation of Highly Charged Peptide and Protein Ions by Atmospheric Pressure Matrix-Assisted Infrared Laser Desorption/Ionization Ion Trap Mass Spectrometry. In: Analytical Chemistry. Band 79, Nr. 14, 1. Juli 2007, ISSN 0003-2700, S. 5484–5488, doi:10.1021/ac070628t.
  • Sarah Trimpin, Ellen D. Inutan, Thushani N. Herath, Charles N. McEwen: Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization Mass Spectrometry Method for Selectively Producing Either Singly or Multiply Charged Molecular Ions. In: Analytical Chemistry. Band 82, Nr. 1, 1. Januar 2010, ISSN 0003-2700, S. 11–15, doi:10.1021/ac902066s.

  • J. L. Norris, N. A. Porter, R. M. Caprioli: Mass spectrometry of intracellular and membrane proteins using cleavable detergents. In: Analytical chemistry. Band 75, Nummer 23, Dezember 2003, S. 6642–6647. doi:10.1021/ac034802z. PMID 14640740.
  • R. Gottardo, A. Chiarini, I. Dal Prà, C. Seri, C. Rimondo, G. Serpelloni, U. Armato, F. Tagliaro: Direct screening of herbal blends for new synthetic cannabinoids by MALDI-TOF MS. In: Journal of Mass Spectrometry Band 47, Nummer 1, Januar 2012, S. 141–146. doi:10.1002/jms.2036. PMID 22282100.
  • L. Signor, E. Boeri Erba: Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time of flight (MALDI-TOF) mass spectrometric analysis of intact proteins larger than 100 kDa. In: Journal of visualized experiments : JoVE. Nummer 79, 2013. doi:10.3791/50635. PMID 24056304. PMC 3857990 (freier Volltext).
  • H. Li, Z. Tang, H. Zhu, H. Ge, S. Cui, W. Jiang: Proteomic study of benign and malignant pleural effusion. In: Journal of cancer research and clinical oncology. Band 142, Nummer 6, Juni 2016, S. 1191–1200, doi:10.1007/s00432-016-2130-7, PMID 26945985.
  • K. Jia, W. Li, F. Wang, H. Qu, Y. Qiao, L. Zhou, Y. Sun, Q. Ma, X. Zhao: Novel circulating peptide biomarkers for esophageal squamous cell carcinoma revealed by a magnetic bead-based MALDI-TOFMS assay. In: Oncotarget. Band 7, Nummer 17, April 2016, S. 23569–23580, doi:10.18632/oncotarget.8123, PMID 26993605, PMC 5029648 (freier Volltext).

  • Peter Lasch, Herbert Nattermann, Marcel Erhard, Maren Stämmler, Roland Grunow: MALDI-TOF Mass Spectrometry Compatible Inactivation Method for Highly Pathogenic Microbial Cells and Spores. In: Analytical Chemistry. Band 80, Nr. 6, 15. März 2008, ISSN 0003-2700, S. 2026–2034, doi:10.1021/ac701822j.
  • Jörg Rau, Nadine Korte, Martin Dyk, Olivera Wenninger, Pat Schreiter, Ekkehard Hiller: Rapid animal species identification of feta and mozzarella cheese using MALDI-TOF mass-spectrometry. In: Food Control. Band 117, 2020, ISSN 0956-7135, S. 107349, doi:10.1016/j.foodcont.2020.107349 (
  • Antje Stahl, Uwe Schröder: Development of a MALDI–TOF MS-Based Protein Fingerprint Database of Common Food Fish Allowing Fast and Reliable Identification of Fraud and Substitution. In: Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. Band 65, Nr. 34, 2017, ISSN 0021-8561, S. 7519–7527, doi:10.1021/acs.jafc.7b02826.
  • Simone König, Oliver Kollas, Klaus Dreisewerd: Generation of Highly Charged Peptide and Protein Ions by Atmospheric Pressure Matrix-Assisted Infrared Laser Desorption/Ionization Ion Trap Mass Spectrometry. In: Analytical Chemistry. Band 79, Nr. 14, 1. Juli 2007, ISSN 0003-2700, S. 5484–5488, doi:10.1021/ac070628t.
  • Sarah Trimpin, Ellen D. Inutan, Thushani N. Herath, Charles N. McEwen: Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization Mass Spectrometry Method for Selectively Producing Either Singly or Multiply Charged Molecular Ions. In: Analytical Chemistry. Band 82, Nr. 1, 1. Januar 2010, ISSN 0003-2700, S. 11–15, doi:10.1021/ac902066s.