Dazu Donald A. Walker: Walras, Léon (1834–1910). In: Steven N. Durlauf und Lawrence E. Blume (Hrsg.): The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics. 2. Auflage. Palgrave Macmillan 2008, doi:10.1057/9780230226203.1814 (Online-Ausgabe); Donald A. Walker: Walras’s market models. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2005, ISBN 9780521022958, S. 41.
Dazu ausführlicher William Jaffé: Léon Walras's Role in the “Marginal Revolution” of the 1870s. In: History of Political Economy. 4, Nr. 2, 1972, doi:10.1215/00182702-4-2-379, S. 379–405, hier S. 397 f.
Zur Beziehung dieser Beiträge zu Slutsky (1915) vgl. R. G. D. Allen: Professor Slutsky’s Theory of Consumers’ Choice. In: Review of Economic Studies. 3, Nr. 2, 1936, S. 120–129, doi:10.2307/2967502. Zur Entstehungs- und Rezeptionsgeschichte von Slutsky (1915) vgl. John S. Chipman und Jean-Sébastien Lenfant: Slutsky’s 1915 Article: How It Came to Be Found and Interpreted. In: History of Political Economy. 34, Nr. 3, 2002, S. 553–597, doi:10.1215/00182702-34-3-553.
Donald W. Katzner: A Note on the Differentiability of Consumer Demand Functions. In: Econometrica. 36, Nr. 2, 1968, S. 415–418 (JSTOR:1907498).
Vgl. Christian E. Weber: Pareto and the 53% Ordinal Theory of Utility. In: History of Political Economy. 33, Nr. 3, 2001, S. 541–576; George J. Stigler: The Development of Utility Theory. II. In: Journal of Political Economy. 58, Nr. 5, 1950, S. 373–396 (JSTOR:1825710), hier S. 380 f.
Vgl. George J. Stigler: The Development of Utility Theory. II. In: Journal of Political Economy. 58, Nr. 5, 1950, S. 373–396 (JSTOR:1825710); Roberto Marchionatti und Enrico Gambino: Pareto and Political Economy as a Science: Methodological Revolution and Analytical Advances in Economic Theory in the 1890s. In: Journal of Political Economy. 105, Nr. 6, 1997, S. 1322–1348 (JSTOR), hier S. 1335 f.
Dazu auch Peter C. Dooley: Consumer’s Surplus: Marshall and His Critics. In: The Canadian Journal of Economics / Revue canadienne d'Economique. 16, Nr. 1, 1983, S. 26–38 (JSTOR:134973), S. 28 ff.; speziell zur Kontroverse mit Pareto: E. B. Wilson: Pareto Versus Marshall. In: The Quarterly Journal of Economics. 53, Nr. 4, 1939, S. 645–650 (JSTOR:1883289).
John R. Hicks und R. G. D. Allen: A Reconsideration of the Theory of Value. Part I. In: Economica. 1, Nr. 1, 1934, S. 52–76 (JSTOR:2548574).
John R. Hicks und R. G. D. Allen: A Reconsideration of the Theory of Value. Part II. A Mathematical Theory of Individual Demand Functions In: Economica. 1, Nr. 2, 1934, S. 196–219 (JSTOR:2548749).