Maskulinismus (German Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Maskulinismus" in German language version.

Global rank German rank
2,106th place
139th place
2nd place
3rd place
3rd place
67th place
838th place
1,171st place
3,007th place
204th place
2,832nd place
low place
2,144th place
142nd place
low place
992nd place
1,752nd place
135th place
2,186th place
5,210th place
1,960th place
130th place
803rd place
1,383rd place
209th place
626th place
1,425th place
420th place
low place
1,633rd place
low place
low place

  • Julia T. Wood: Gendered lives: communication, gender, and culture. Wadsworth Pub., Belmont, Calif., ISBN 978-0-495-79416-5, S. 104: “A number of men’s groups fit within the second camp of men’s movements. These groups, labeled masculinist (Fiebert, 1987) or promasculine, believe that men suffer from discrimination and that men need to reclaim their manliness … Among the most conservative branches of men’s movement that subscribe to masculinist ideology are men’s rights activists, whose goal is to restore the traditional roles of men and women and, with that, the privileges men historically enjoyed. Men’s rights groups include MR, Inc (Men’s Rights, Incorporades); the National Coalition for Free Men; and NOM (the National Organization of Men).”
  • Michael Flood et al.: International encyclopedia of men and masculinities. Routledge, London / New York 2007, ISBN 978-0-415-33343-6, S. 421: “Because men in general are privileged in relation to gender, their collective mobilization involves the danger of enhancing this privilege … This is apparent in the energetic and masculinist activism being conducted by men’s rights and fathers’ rights groups.”
  • Jack S. Kahn: An introduction to masculinities. Wiley-Blackwell, Chichester, U.K. / Malden, MA 2009, ISBN 978-1-4051-8179-2, S. 202: “Men’s rights groups, often associated with religious doctrine (particularly Christian), view men as a group of people who have been oppressed by the various social changes that have occurred in the last 50 years (Clatterbaugh, 1997; Fox, 2004; Mann, 2008; Rickabaugh, 1994). They refer to themselves as masculinist, liberationists, post-feminist, and anti-feminist, and some of their major concerns are child support and alimony issues and domestic violence against men (Fox, 2004; Lingard & Douglas, 1999; Mann, 2008). They claim that it is men, not women, who are victims of society and that men must ‘take back’ the culture from women and establish a true patriarchy (see Rickabaugh, 1994, Mann, 2008) … Well-known modern organization that advocate for a patriarchal perspective are: the Promise Keepers, the Men’s Rights Association, the National Coalition for Men, The National Congress for Men and the National Center for Men (Bliss, 1995; Fox, 2004; Lingard & Douglas, 1999; MacInnes, 2001; Messner, 2001; Rickabaugh, 1994).”
  • Daniel Boyarin: Carnal Israel: Reading Sex in Talmudic Culture. University of California Press, Berkeley 1993, ISBN 0-520-08012-2, S. 228: “[The term masculist] is problematic in that is parallels feminist, but feminism is not a project of female domination over males, while masculism has historically been a project of male domination over females.”

  • Francis Dupuis-Déri: Le «masculinisme»: une histoire politique du mot (en anglais et en français). In: Recherches féministes. 22. Jahrgang, Nr. 2, 2009, S. 97–123 (

  • vgl. z. B. Angelika Braun, Edelgard Kutzner, Nadine Pieck, Christina Schröder (Hrsg.): Gender in Arbeit und Gesundheit: Standortbestimmung & Perspektiven. Rainer Hampp Verlag, Augsburg 2017, ISBN 978-3-95710-193-8, S. 9.
  • Andreas Kemper: Antiemanzipatorische Netzwerke und die Geschlechter- und Familienpolitik der Alternative für Deutschland. In: Alexander Häusler (Hrsg.): Die Alternative für Deutschland: Programmatik, Entwicklung und politische Verortung. Springer, Wiesbaden 2016, ISBN 978-3-658-10638-6, S. 92.

  • Michael Meuser: 6.2 Maskulinismus: Die Rückbesinnung auf die gefährliche Männerherrlichkeit. In: Geschlecht und Männlichkeit: Soziologische Theorie und kulturelle Deutungsmuster. Springer VS, Wiesbaden 2010, ISBN 978-3-531-17169-2, S. 148–155 (Seitenvorschau in der Google-Buchsuche; Habilitationsschrift Universität Bremen 1997).
  • Nicholas Bunnin, Jiyuan Yu: Masculinism. In: The Blackwell Dictionary of Western Philosophy. John Wiley & Sons, 2008, ISBN 978-0-470-99721-5, S. 411 (Seitenvorschau in der Google-Buchsuche).
  • Daniel Chandler, Rod Munday: Masculinism (masculism). In: A Dictionary of Media and Communication. Oxford University Press, Oxford 2011, S. (Seitenvorschau in der Google-Buchsuche): “From a feminist point of view, masculinism is an attitude which ignores the existence of women and is concernced exclusively with male opinions and interests. It tries to justify the claim that only male views have value and the further claum that anything that cannot be reduced or translated into men's experience should be excluded from the subject-matter of philosophy. In another sence, masculinism advoces the elimination of all discrimination against men because they are male. The goal of this sort of masculinism is the equality between men and women, and it is a reaction agains extreme feminist claims for the superiority of women over men.”
  • Daniel Chandler, Rod Munday: Masculinism (masculism). In: A Dictionary of Media and Communication. Oxford University Press, Oxford 2011, S. (Seitenvorschau in der Google-Buchsuche): “From a feminist point of view, masculinism is an attitude which ignores the existence of women and is concernced exclusively with male opinions and interests. It tries to justify the claim that only male views have value and the further claum that anything that cannot be reduced or translated into men's experience should be excluded from the subject-matter of philosophy. In another sence, masculinism advoces the elimination of all discrimination against men because they are male. The goal of this sort of masculinism is the equality between men and women, and it is a reaction agains extreme feminist claims for the superiority of women over men.”
  • Nicholas Bunnin, Jiyuan Yu: Masculinism. In: The Blackwell Dictionary of Western Philosophy. John Wiley & Sons, 2008, ISBN 978-0-470-99721-5, S. 411 (Seitenvorschau in der Google-Buchsuche).
  • Emile Laurent: Die Zwitterbildungen: Gynaekomastie, Feminismus, Hermaphrodismus. 1896, abgerufen am 2. Dezember 2020.

  • The Socialist Woman. (PDF) The Socialist Woman Pub. Co. Chicago, Juli 1908, abgerufen am 2. Dezember 2020 (englisch).

  • Cathy Young: Man Troubles: Making Sense of the Men’s Movement. In: Reason magazine, Juli 1994: “Masculism (mas'kye liz*'em), n. 1. the belief that equality between the sexes requires the recognition and redress of prejudice and discrimination against men as well as women. 2. the movement organized around this belief. Not to worry: This word is not in the dictionary. But it would be if the decision were up to Warren Farrell, Jack Kammer, and others activists in the men’s movement.”

  • Feminisierung. In: Lexikon der Biologie. Spektrum, abgerufen am 2. Dezember 2020.

  • Dorothee Beck: Diskursive Brückenschläge: Medien, Maskulismus, Rechtsextremismus. In: Zeitschrift für Rechtsextremismusforschung. Band 1, Nr. 1, 25. Juni 2021, S. 13–14, doi:10.3224/zrex.v1i1.06 ( [abgerufen am 16. September 2022]).