G. Thwaites, T. T. Chau, N. T. Mai, F. Drobniewski, K. McAdam, J. Farrar: Tuberculous meningitis. In: Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry. Band68, Nr.3, März 2000, S.289–299, doi:10.1136/jnnp.68.3.289, PMID 10675209, PMC 1736815 (freier Volltext) – (bmj.com).
M. P. Richardson, A. Reid, M. J. Tarlow, P. T. Rudd: Hearing loss during bacterial meningitis. In: Archives of Disease in Childhood. Band76, Nr.2, Februar 1997, S.134–138, doi:10.1136/adc.76.2.134, PMID 9068303, PMC 1717058 (freier Volltext) – (englisch, bmj.com).
J. Attia, R. Hatala, D. J. Cook, J. G. Wong: The rational clinical examination. Does this adult patient have acute meningitis? In: JAMA. Band282, Nr.2, Juli 1999, S.175–181, doi:10.1001/jama.282.2.175, PMID 10411200.
B. P. Wei, R. M. Robins-Browne, R. K. Shepherd, G. M. Clark, S. J. O’Leary: Can we prevent cochlear implant recipients from developing pneumococcal meningitis? In: Clin Infect Dis. Band46, Nr.1, Januar 2008, S.e1–e7, doi:10.1086/524083, PMID 18171202.
M. Tebruegge, N. Curtis: Epidemiology, etiology, pathogenesis, and diagnosis of recurrent bacterial meningitis. In: Clinical Microbiology Reviews. Band21, Nr.3, Juli 2008, S.519–537, doi:10.1128/CMR.00009-08, PMID 18625686, PMC 2493086 (freier Volltext).
G. Thwaites, T. T. Chau, N. T. Mai, F. Drobniewski, K. McAdam, J. Farrar: Tuberculous meningitis. In: Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry. Band68, Nr.3, März 2000, S.289–299, doi:10.1136/jnnp.68.3.289, PMID 10675209, PMC 1736815 (freier Volltext) – (bmj.com).
D. van de Beek, J. de Gans, L. Spanjaard, M. Weisfelt, J. B. Reitsma, M. Vermeulen: Clinical features and prognostic factors in adults with bacterial meningitis. In: The New England Journal of Medicine. Band351, Nr.18, Oktober 2004, S.1849–1859, doi:10.1056/NEJMoa040845, PMID 15509818 (englisch, nejm.org).
K. E. Thomas, R. Hasbun, J. Jekel, V. J. Quagliarello: The diagnostic accuracy of Kernig’s sign, Brudzinski’s sign, and nuchal rigidity in adults with suspected meningitis. In: Clinical Infectious Diseases. Band35, Nr.1, Juli 2002, S.46–52, doi:10.1086/340979, PMID 12060874.
U. Theilen, L. Wilson, G. Wilson, J. O. Beattie, S. Qureshi, D. Simpson: Management of invasive meningococcal disease in children and young people: Summary of SIGN guidelines. In: BMJ (Clinical research ed.). Band336, Nr.7657, Juni 2008, S.1367–1370, doi:10.1136/bmj.a129, PMID 18556318, PMC 2427067 (freier Volltext).Full guideline page (Memento vom 19. Juli 2011 im Internet Archive)
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Ständige Impfkommission (STIKO): Empfehlungen der Ständigen Impfkommission (STIKO) beim Robert Koch-Institut 2021. 26. August 2021, doi:10.25646/8824 (rki.de [abgerufen am 18. Oktober 2021]).
S. Flexner: The results of the serum treatment in thirteen hundred cases of epidemic meningitis. In: J Exp Med. Band17, 1913, S.553–576, doi:10.1084/jem.17.5.553 (englisch, rupress.org).
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U. Theilen, L. Wilson, G. Wilson, J. O. Beattie, S. Qureshi, D. Simpson: Management of invasive meningococcal disease in children and young people: Summary of SIGN guidelines. In: BMJ (Clinical research ed.). Band336, Nr.7657, Juni 2008, S.1367–1370, doi:10.1136/bmj.a129, PMID 18556318, PMC 2427067 (freier Volltext).Full guideline page (Memento vom 19. Juli 2011 im Internet Archive)
R. S. Heyderman et al.: Early management of suspected bacterial meningitis and meningococcal septicaemia in adults. In: The Journal of infection. 2003/46/2, S. 75–77, PMID 12634067 – Leitlinie Early management of suspected meningitis and meningococcal septicaemia in immunocompetent adults. der British Infection Society & UK Meningitis Research Trust, 2004, pdf (Memento vom 27. März 2009 im Internet Archive)
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