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S. W. Lagakos: Time-to-event analyses for long-term treatments–the APPROVe trial. In: The New England journal of medicine. Band 355, Nummer 2, Juli 2006, S. 113–117, doi:10.1056/NEJMp068137, PMID 16801354.
B. M. Psaty, R. A. Kronmal: Reporting mortality findings in trials of rofecoxib for Alzheimer disease or cognitive impairment: a case study based on documents from rofecoxib litigation. In: JAMA. Band 299, Nummer 15, April 2008, S. 1813–1817, doi:10.1001/jama.299.15.1813, PMID 18413875.
S. W. Lagakos: Time-to-event analyses for long-term treatments–the APPROVe trial. In: The New England journal of medicine. Band 355, Nummer 2, Juli 2006, S. 113–117, doi:10.1056/NEJMp068137, PMID 16801354.