Mikropenis (German Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Mikropenis" in German language version.

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429th place
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317th place
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139th place
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4,380th place
781st place















  • P. A. Lee u. a.: Micropenis. I. Criteria, etiologies and classification. In: Johns Hopkins Medical Journal. Band 146, 1980, S. 156–163, PMID 7366061.
  • P. K. Cheng, J. P. Chanoine: Should the definition of micropenis vary according to ethnicity? In: Hormone Research. Band 55, 2001, S. 278–281, PMID 11805431.
  • C. P. Nelson, J. M. Park u. a.: The increasing incidence of congenital penile anomalies in the United States. In: The Journal of Urology. Band 174, 2005, S. 1573–1576. PMID 16148654.
  • C. Sonnenschein, A. M. Soto: An updated review of environmental estrogen and androgen mimics and antagonists. In: The Journal of steroid biochemistry and molecular biology. Band 65, Nummer 1–6, April 1998, S. 143–150, ISSN 0960-0760. PMID 9699867. (Review).
  • C. Sultan, P. Balaguer u. a.: Environmental xenoestrogens, antiandrogens and disorders of male sexual differentiation. In: Molecular and cellular endocrinology. Band 178, Nummer 1–2, Juni 2001, S. 99–105, ISSN 0303-7207. PMID 11403899.
  • G. Ludwig: Micropenis and apparent micropenis--a diagnostic and therapeutic challenge. In: Andrologia. Band 31, 1999, S. 27–30, PMID 10643516.
  • M. J. Bourgeois, B. Jones u. a.: Micropenis and congenital adrenal hypoplasia. In: American journal of perinatology. Band 6, Nummer 1, Januar 1989, S. 69–71, ISSN 0735-1631. doi:10.1055/s-2007-999548. PMID 2910322.
  • A. K. Srinivasan, L. S. Palmer, J. S. Palmer: Inconspicuous penis. In: TheScientificWorldJournal. Band 11, 2011, S. 2559–2564, ISSN 1537-744X. doi:10.1100/2011/238519. PMID 22235186. PMC 3253616 (freier Volltext). (Review).
  • P. S. Menon, U. A. Khatwa: The child with micropenis. In: Indian Journal of Pediatrics . Band 67, 2000, S. 455–460, PMID 10932967.
  • A. Urzola u. a.: Three cases of congenital growth hormone deficiency with micropenis and hypospadias: what does growth hormone have to do with it? In: Hormone Research in Paediatrics. Band 51, 1999, S. 101–104. PMID 10352401
  • A. J. Casale, S. D. Beck u. a.: Concealed penis in childhood: a spectrum of etiology and treatment. In: The Journal of urology. Band 162, Nummer 3 Pt 2, September 1999, S. 1165–1168, ISSN 0022-5347, PMID 10458457.
  • J. B. Levy, D. A. Husmann: Micropenis secondary to growth hormone deficiency: does treatment with growth hormone alone result in adequate penile growth? In: The Journal of urology. Band 156, Nummer 1, Juli 1996, S. 214–216, ISSN 0022-5347. PMID 8648808.
  • D. M. Hartke, J. S. Palmer: Commonly encountered congenital and acquired anomalies of the penis. In: Drugs of Today. Band 42, Nummer 2, Februar 2006, S. 121–126, ISSN 1699-3993, doi:10.1358/dot.2006.42.2.957361, PMID 16541188.
  • J. Money u. a.: Psychology of syndromes. IQ and micropenis. In: American journal of diseases of children. Band 137, 1983, S. 1083–1086, PMID 6637911.
  • T. Ishii u. a.: Micropenis and the AR Gene: mutation and CAG repeat-length analysis. In: Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism. Band 86, 2001, S. 5372–5378, PMID 11701709.
  • P. A. Lee u. a.: Robinow's syndrome. Partial primary hypogonadism in pubertal boys, with persistence of micropenis. In: American journal of diseases of children. Band 136, 1982, S. 327–330. PMID 6122375
  • A. Türken u. a.: A large inguinal hernia with undescended testes and micropenis in Robinow syndrome. In: Clinical Dysmorphology. Band 5, 1996, S. 175–178, PMID 8723569.
  • T. L. Young u. a.: A fifth locus for Bardet-Biedl syndrome maps to chromosome 2q31. In: American Journal of Human Genetics. Band 64, 1999, S. 901–904, PMID 10053027.
  • D. J. Hampshire u. a.: MORM syndrome (mental retardation, truncal obesity, retinal dystrophy and micropenis), a new autosomal recessive disorder, links to 9q34. In: European journal of human genetics. Band 14, 2006, S. 543–548, PMID 16493448.
  • D. Zenaty u. a.: Paediatric phenotype of Kallmann syndrome due to mutations of fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 (FGFR1). In: Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology. Band 254–255, 2006, S. 78–83, PMID 16757108.
  • P. P. Chakraborty u. a.: Doubtful descent, dilemma and diagnosis: a case of Kallmann syndrome. (PDF; 120 kB) In: Singapore Medical Journal. Band 48, 2007, S. 259–262, PMID 17342298.
  • D. Zenaty: Bilateral anorchia in infancy: occurence of micropenis and the effect of testosterone treatment. In: Journal of Pediatrics. Band 149, 2006, S. 687–691, PMID 17095345.
  • R. K. Hall: Solitary median maxillary central incisor (SMMCI) syndrome. In: Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases. Band 1, 2006, S. 12, ISSN 1750-1172, doi:10.1186/1750-1172-1-12, PMID 16722608, PMC 1464380 (freier Volltext) (Review).
  • J. Money, B. F. Norman: Pedagogical handicap associated with micropenis and other CHARGE syndrome anomalies of embryogenesis: four 46, XY cases reared as girls. In: American Journal of Psychotherapy. Band 42, 1988, S. 354–379, PMID 2459978.
  • Y. Z. Gad u. a.: 5 alpha-reductase deficiency in patients with micropenis. In: Journal of Inherited Metabolic Disease. Band 20, 1997, S. 95–101, PMID 9061573.
  • G. Sasaki u. a.: Micropenis and the 5alpha-reductase-2 (SRD5A2) gene: mutation and V89L polymorphism analysis in 81 Japanese patients. In: Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism. Band 88, 2003, S. 3431–3436, PMID 12843198.
  • S. Soneda u. a.: Association of micropenis with Pro185Ala polymorphism of the gene for aryl hydrocarbon receptor repressor involved in dioxin signaling. In: Endocr J. Band 52, 2005, S. 83–88. PMID 15758562
  • H. Fujita u. a.: Characterization of the aryl hydrocarbon receptor repressor gene and association of its Pro185Ala polymorphism with micropenis. In: Teratology. Band 65, 2002, S. 10–18, PMID 11835227.
  • P. Sohoni, J. P. Sumpter: Several environmental oestrogens are also anti-androgens. In: The Journal of endocrinology. Band 158, Nummer 3, September 1998, S. 327–339, ISSN 0022-0795, PMID 9846162.
  • H. W. Jones u. a.: Technique of surgical sex reassignment for micropenis and allied conditions. In: American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology. Band 132, 1978, S. 870–877, PMID 367161.
  • R. D. Guthrie u. a.: Testosterone treatment for micropenis during early childhood. In: Journal of Pediatrics. Band 83, 1973, S. 247–252, PMID 4717581.
  • J. Money u. a.: Micropenis: adult follow-up and comparison of size against new norms. In: Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy. Band 10, 1984, S. 105–116, PMID 6748094.
  • J. M. Reilly, C. R. Woodhouse: Small penis and the male sexual role. In: J Urol. Band 142, 1989, S. 569–571. PMID 2746779
  • B. Bin-Abbas u. a.: Congenital hypogonadotropic hypogonadism and micropenis: effect of testosterone treatment on adult penile size why sex reversal is not indicated. In: Journal of Pediatrics. Band 134, 1999, S. 579–583, PMID 10228293.
  • D. R. McMahon u. a.: Micropenis: does early treatment with testosterone do more harm than good? In: Journal of Urology. Band 154, 1995, S. 825–829, PMID 7609189.
  • T. Ishii u. a.: Testosterone enanthate therapy is effective and independent of SRD5A2 and AR gene polymorphisms in boys with micropenis. In: Journal of Urology. Band 172, 2004, S. 319–324, PMID 15201804.
  • D. A. Husmann, M. P. Cain: Microphallus: eventual phallic size is dependent on the timing of androgen administration. In: Journal of Urology. Band 152, 1994, S. 734–739, PMID 8022007.
  • G. V. Burkholder, M. E. Newell: New surgical treatment for micropenis. In: Journal of Urology. Band 129, 1983, S. 832–834, PMID 6842714.
  • S. De Fontaine u. a.: Complete phalloplasty using the free radial forearm flap for correcting micropenis associated with vesical exstrophy. In: Journal of Urology. Band 166, 2001, S. 597–599, PMID 11458075.
  • N. Lumen u. a.: Phalloplasty: a valuable treatment for males with penile insufficiency. In: Urology. Band 71, 2008, S. 272–276, PMID 18308099.
  • A. B.Wisniewski u. a.: Congenital micropenis: long-term medical, surgical and psychosexual follow-up of individuals raised male or female. In: Hormone Research in Paediatrics. Band 56, 2001, S. 3–11, PMID 11815721.









  • C. Sonnenschein, A. M. Soto: An updated review of environmental estrogen and androgen mimics and antagonists. In: The Journal of steroid biochemistry and molecular biology. Band 65, Nummer 1–6, April 1998, S. 143–150, ISSN 0960-0760. PMID 9699867. (Review).
  • C. Sultan, P. Balaguer u. a.: Environmental xenoestrogens, antiandrogens and disorders of male sexual differentiation. In: Molecular and cellular endocrinology. Band 178, Nummer 1–2, Juni 2001, S. 99–105, ISSN 0303-7207. PMID 11403899.
  • M. J. Bourgeois, B. Jones u. a.: Micropenis and congenital adrenal hypoplasia. In: American journal of perinatology. Band 6, Nummer 1, Januar 1989, S. 69–71, ISSN 0735-1631. doi:10.1055/s-2007-999548. PMID 2910322.
  • A. K. Srinivasan, L. S. Palmer, J. S. Palmer: Inconspicuous penis. In: TheScientificWorldJournal. Band 11, 2011, S. 2559–2564, ISSN 1537-744X. doi:10.1100/2011/238519. PMID 22235186. PMC 3253616 (freier Volltext). (Review).
  • A. J. Casale, S. D. Beck u. a.: Concealed penis in childhood: a spectrum of etiology and treatment. In: The Journal of urology. Band 162, Nummer 3 Pt 2, September 1999, S. 1165–1168, ISSN 0022-5347, PMID 10458457.
  • J. B. Levy, D. A. Husmann: Micropenis secondary to growth hormone deficiency: does treatment with growth hormone alone result in adequate penile growth? In: The Journal of urology. Band 156, Nummer 1, Juli 1996, S. 214–216, ISSN 0022-5347. PMID 8648808.
  • D. M. Hartke, J. S. Palmer: Commonly encountered congenital and acquired anomalies of the penis. In: Drugs of Today. Band 42, Nummer 2, Februar 2006, S. 121–126, ISSN 1699-3993, doi:10.1358/dot.2006.42.2.957361, PMID 16541188.
  • R. K. Hall: Solitary median maxillary central incisor (SMMCI) syndrome. In: Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases. Band 1, 2006, S. 12, ISSN 1750-1172, doi:10.1186/1750-1172-1-12, PMID 16722608, PMC 1464380 (freier Volltext) (Review).
  • P. Sohoni, J. P. Sumpter: Several environmental oestrogens are also anti-androgens. In: The Journal of endocrinology. Band 158, Nummer 3, September 1998, S. 327–339, ISSN 0022-0795, PMID 9846162.