Kevin Thomas: MOVIE REVIEW : ‘Mr. Baseball’ a Culture-Clash Comedy. In: 2. Oktober 1992, abgerufen am 17. April 2011 (englisch): „In this era of political correctness, Schepisi et al. inescapably find themselves on a tight wire, constantly having to balance the need to make Elliot and the Japanese he meets believably human yet avoid offensive stereotyping in their humor“
Janet Maslin: Mr. Baseball (1992). In: 2. Oktober 1992, abgerufen am 17. April 2011 (englisch): „the finished version shows no signs of ever having been a hard-hitting satire. It is instead a light and sometimes ruefully funny comedy“
Roger Ebert: Mr. Baseball. In: 2. Oktober 1992, abgerufen am 17. April 2011 (englisch): „Mr. Baseball is another one of those formula sports movies[.] Schepisi and Selleck also do a nice, quiet job of making the title character convincing. He isn’t overwritten or overplayed.“