Projekt Mrs. Chippy auf der Website der Neuseeländischen Antarktischen Gesellschaft, abgerufen am 28. März 2022 (englisch).
Ernest Shackleton: South. The Macmillan Co., New York 1920, S. 81, Textarchiv – Internet Archive. “This afternoon Sallie’s three youngest pups, Sue’s Sirius, and Mrs. Chippy, the carpenter’s cat, have to be shot. We could not undertake the maintenance of weaklings under the new conditions.”
Frank Worsley: Endurance. An Epic of Polar Adventure. Geoffrey Bles, London 1931, S. 46, Textarchiv – Internet Archive. “As a matter of fact the cat could have come along with us in splendid style had it not been that the dogs, now that she lacked the protection of the ship, would have eaten her.”