Musik (German Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Musik" in German language version.

Global rank German rank
2nd place
3rd place
4th place
7th place
7,195th place
3,329th place
low place
low place
low place
low place
low place
2,164th place
1,366th place
81st place
low place
2,077th place
low place
2,310th place
low place
2,080th place
low place
1,480th place
low place
1,280th place
1st place
1st place
low place
2,283rd place
low place
low place
low place
low place

  • E. Clarke, T. DeNora, J. Vuoskoski: Music, empathy and cultural understanding. Physics of Life Reviews, Band 15, S. 61–88 (2015). PMID 26419700, doi:10.1016/j.plrev.2015.09.001
  • D. Boer, A. Abubakar: Music listening in families and peer groups: benefits for young people's social cohesion and emotional well-being across four cultures. In: Frontiers in psychology. Band 5, 2014, S. 392, doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2014.00392, PMID 24847296, PMC 4021113 (freier Volltext).
  • Schöndube Oliver.: Musik als Freundin und Beziehungsgestalterin. In: Musiktherapeutische Umschau. Nr. 42, 2022. doi:10.13109/muum.2022.43.2.146
  • S. E. Trehub, J. Becker, I. Morley: Cross-cultural perspectives on music and musicality. In: Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological sciences. Band 370, Nummer 1664, März 2015, S. 20140096, doi:10.1098/rstb.2014.0096, PMID 25646519, PMC 4321137 (freier Volltext) (Review).
  • L.K. Cirelli: How interpersonal synchrony facilitates early prosocial behavior. Current Opinion in Psychology, Band 20, S. 35–39 (2017). PMID 28830004, doi:10.1016/j.copsyc.2017.08.009
  • L. K. Cirelli, S. J. Wan, L. J. Trainor: Fourteen-month-old infants use interpersonal synchrony as a cue to direct helpfulness. In: Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological sciences. Band 369, Nummer 1658, Dezember 2014, S. 20130400, doi:10.1098/rstb.2013.0400, PMID 25385778, PMC 4240967 (freier Volltext).

  • Ute Gerhard: Frauenbewegung und Feminismus, eine Geschichte seit 1789. C. H. Beck Verlag Wissen, München 2009, ISBN 978-3-406-56263-1. (5. Die «neue» Frauenbewegung.) S. 107–125.

  • Vgl. auch Artur Simon et al.: Musiké – musica – Musik. In: Laurenz Lütteken (Hrsg.): MGG Online. New York / Kassel / Stuttgart 2016 ff. (zuerst veröffentlicht 1997), online veröffentlicht 2016:

  • E. Clarke, T. DeNora, J. Vuoskoski: Music, empathy and cultural understanding. Physics of Life Reviews, Band 15, S. 61–88 (2015). PMID 26419700, doi:10.1016/j.plrev.2015.09.001
  • D. Boer, A. Abubakar: Music listening in families and peer groups: benefits for young people's social cohesion and emotional well-being across four cultures. In: Frontiers in psychology. Band 5, 2014, S. 392, doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2014.00392, PMID 24847296, PMC 4021113 (freier Volltext).
  • S. E. Trehub, J. Becker, I. Morley: Cross-cultural perspectives on music and musicality. In: Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological sciences. Band 370, Nummer 1664, März 2015, S. 20140096, doi:10.1098/rstb.2014.0096, PMID 25646519, PMC 4321137 (freier Volltext) (Review).
  • L.K. Cirelli: How interpersonal synchrony facilitates early prosocial behavior. Current Opinion in Psychology, Band 20, S. 35–39 (2017). PMID 28830004, doi:10.1016/j.copsyc.2017.08.009
  • L. K. Cirelli, S. J. Wan, L. J. Trainor: Fourteen-month-old infants use interpersonal synchrony as a cue to direct helpfulness. In: Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological sciences. Band 369, Nummer 1658, Dezember 2014, S. 20130400, doi:10.1098/rstb.2013.0400, PMID 25385778, PMC 4240967 (freier Volltext).

  • Andreas Dorschel, Music as Play. In: Paulo de Assis (Hrsg.): Virtual Works – Actual Things: Essays in Musical Ontology. Leuven University Press, Leuven 2018 (Orpheus Institute Series), S. 115–133. pdf online