D. Hensel-Dittmann, M. Schauer, M. Ruf, C. Catani, M. Odenwald: Treatment of Traumatized Victims of War and Torture: A Randomized Controlled Comparison of Narrative Exposure Therapy and Stress Inoculation Training. In: Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics. Band80, Nr.6, 2011, S.345–352, doi:10.1159/000327253 (karger.com [abgerufen am 9. September 2017]).
D. Hensel-Dittmann, M. Schauer, M. Ruf, C. Catani, M. Odenwald: Treatment of Traumatized Victims of War and Torture: A Randomized Controlled Comparison of Narrative Exposure Therapy and Stress Inoculation Training. In: Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics. Band80, Nr.6, 2011, S.345–352, doi:10.1159/000327253 (karger.com [abgerufen am 9. September 2017]).