Hans-Georg Betz: Nativism Across Time and Space. In: Swiss Political Science Review. Band23, Nr.4, Dezember 2017, S.335–353, doi:10.1111/spsr.12260 (wiley.com [abgerufen am 24. April 2022]).
Ralph Linton: Nativistic Movements. In: American Anthropologist. Band 45, Nr. 2, 1943, S. 230–240, hier S. 230–231 (englisch; PDF: 656 kB, 11 Seiten auf wiley.com); Zitat: „Any conscious, organized attempt on the part of a society’s members to revive or perpetuate selected aspects of its culture. […] For convenience we will refer to the first of these forms as revivalistic nativism, to the second as perpetualive nativism. These two forms are not completely exclusive.“
Hans-Georg Betz: Nativism Across Time and Space. In: Swiss Political Science Review. Band23, Nr.4, Dezember 2017, S.335–353, doi:10.1111/spsr.12260 (wiley.com [abgerufen am 24. April 2022]).