Ivo Banac: The National Question in Yugoslavia. Origins, History, Politics. Cornell University Press, 2015, ISBN 978-1-5017-0193-1 (englisch, Google Books): “[…] Jovan Babunski, who terrorized the Bregalnica and Tikves Districts from September 1919, were under military orders to kill the local leaders, whose work prepared the actions of Bulgar komitas […]”
Igor Despot: The Balkan Wars in the Eyes of the Warring Parties. Perceptions and Interpretations. iUniverse, 2012, ISBN 978-1-4759-4703-8, S.200 (englisch, Google Books): “[…] The October uprising resulted in 1,000 killed isurgents. About 30,000 of the Exarchate inhabitants and Albanians fled to Albania. More than 260 villages were burnt down; the town of Negotino 750 out of 800 houses were burned. […]”
Пoбрaтимски грaдoви. In: gradgradiska.com. Gradiška, 24. April 2021, abgerufen am 24. April 2021 (serbisch).