Dragana Filipović, Jan Piet Brozio, Jan Kaczmarek, Johannes Müller, Wiebke Kirleis: Food transformed? Taphonomical investigation into a potentially symbolic role of crops at two Neolithic settlements in northern Germany. In: Praehistorische Zeitschrift. Band94, Nr.1, 1. Juni 2019, ISSN1613-0804, S.31–59, doi:10.1515/pz-2019-0014 (degruyter.com [abgerufen am 16. November 2021]).
Daniel Knitter, Jan Piet Brozio, Walter Dörfler, Rainer Duttmann, Ingo Feeser: Transforming landscapes: Modeling land-use patterns of environmental borderlands. In: The Holocene. Band29, Nr.10, 1. Oktober 2019, ISSN0959-6836, S.1572–1586, doi:10.1177/0959683619857233 (sagepub.com [abgerufen am 16. November 2021]).
Torben Sarauw: On the Outskirts of the European Bell Beaker Phenomenon – the Danish Case. In: Journal of Neolithic Archaeology. 15. September 2007, S.9 (2007), doi:10.12766/JNA.2007.23 (uni-kiel.de [abgerufen am 16. November 2021]).
Jan Piet Brozio, Walter Dörfler, Ingo Feeser, Wiebke Kirleis, Stefanie Klooß: A Middle Neolithic well from Northern Germany: a precise source to reconstruct water supply management, subsistence economy, and deposition practices. In: Journal of Archaeological Science (= The world reshaped: practices and impacts of early agrarian societies). Band51, 1. November 2014, ISSN0305-4403, S.135–153, doi:10.1016/j.jas.2013.03.029 (sciencedirect.com [abgerufen am 16. November 2021]).
Dragana Filipović, Jan Piet Brozio, Jan Kaczmarek, Johannes Müller, Wiebke Kirleis: Food transformed? Taphonomical investigation into a potentially symbolic role of crops at two Neolithic settlements in northern Germany. In: Praehistorische Zeitschrift. Band94, Nr.1, 1. Juni 2019, ISSN1613-0804, S.31–59, doi:10.1515/pz-2019-0014 (degruyter.com [abgerufen am 16. November 2021]).
Dragana Filipović, Jan Piet Brozio, Peter Ditchfield, Stefanie Klooß, Johannes Müller: Middle-Neolithic agricultural practices in the Oldenburger Graben wetlands, northern Germany: First results of the analysis of arable weeds and stable isotopes. In: The Holocene. Band29, Nr.10, Oktober 2019, ISSN0959-6836, S.1587–1595, doi:10.1177/0959683619857224 (sagepub.com [abgerufen am 16. November 2021]).
Albert Hafner, Peter J. Suter: Das Neolithikum in der Schweiz. In: Journal of Neolithic Archaeology. 23. Februar 2012, S.5 (2003), doi:10.12766/JNA.2003.4 (uni-kiel.de [abgerufen am 16. November 2021]).
Daniel Knitter, Jan Piet Brozio, Walter Dörfler, Rainer Duttmann, Ingo Feeser: Transforming landscapes: Modeling land-use patterns of environmental borderlands. In: The Holocene. Band29, Nr.10, 1. Oktober 2019, ISSN0959-6836, S.1572–1586, doi:10.1177/0959683619857233 (sagepub.com [abgerufen am 16. November 2021]).
Dragana Filipović, Jan Piet Brozio, Peter Ditchfield, Stefanie Klooß, Johannes Müller: Middle-Neolithic agricultural practices in the Oldenburger Graben wetlands, northern Germany: First results of the analysis of arable weeds and stable isotopes. In: The Holocene. Band29, Nr.10, Oktober 2019, ISSN0959-6836, S.1587–1595, doi:10.1177/0959683619857224 (sagepub.com [abgerufen am 16. November 2021]).
Jan Piet Brozio, Walter Dörfler, Ingo Feeser, Wiebke Kirleis, Stefanie Klooß: A Middle Neolithic well from Northern Germany: a precise source to reconstruct water supply management, subsistence economy, and deposition practices. In: Journal of Archaeological Science (= The world reshaped: practices and impacts of early agrarian societies). Band51, 1. November 2014, ISSN0305-4403, S.135–153, doi:10.1016/j.jas.2013.03.029 (sciencedirect.com [abgerufen am 16. November 2021]).
Torben Sarauw: On the Outskirts of the European Bell Beaker Phenomenon – the Danish Case. In: Journal of Neolithic Archaeology. 15. September 2007, S.9 (2007), doi:10.12766/JNA.2007.23 (uni-kiel.de [abgerufen am 16. November 2021]).
Albert Hafner, Peter J. Suter: Das Neolithikum in der Schweiz. In: Journal of Neolithic Archaeology. 23. Februar 2012, S.5 (2003), doi:10.12766/JNA.2003.4 (uni-kiel.de [abgerufen am 16. November 2021]).
Daniel Knitter, Jan Piet Brozio, Walter Dörfler, Rainer Duttmann, Ingo Feeser: Transforming landscapes: Modeling land-use patterns of environmental borderlands. In: The Holocene. Band29, Nr.10, 1. Oktober 2019, ISSN0959-6836, S.1572–1586, doi:10.1177/0959683619857233 (sagepub.com [abgerufen am 16. November 2021]).
Jan Piet Brozio, Walter Dörfler, Ingo Feeser, Wiebke Kirleis, Stefanie Klooß: A Middle Neolithic well from Northern Germany: a precise source to reconstruct water supply management, subsistence economy, and deposition practices. In: Journal of Archaeological Science (= The world reshaped: practices and impacts of early agrarian societies). Band51, 1. November 2014, ISSN0305-4403, S.135–153, doi:10.1016/j.jas.2013.03.029 (sciencedirect.com [abgerufen am 16. November 2021]).
Dragana Filipović, Jan Piet Brozio, Jan Kaczmarek, Johannes Müller, Wiebke Kirleis: Food transformed? Taphonomical investigation into a potentially symbolic role of crops at two Neolithic settlements in northern Germany. In: Praehistorische Zeitschrift. Band94, Nr.1, 1. Juni 2019, ISSN1613-0804, S.31–59, doi:10.1515/pz-2019-0014 (degruyter.com [abgerufen am 16. November 2021]).
Dragana Filipović, Jan Piet Brozio, Peter Ditchfield, Stefanie Klooß, Johannes Müller: Middle-Neolithic agricultural practices in the Oldenburger Graben wetlands, northern Germany: First results of the analysis of arable weeds and stable isotopes. In: The Holocene. Band29, Nr.10, Oktober 2019, ISSN0959-6836, S.1587–1595, doi:10.1177/0959683619857224 (sagepub.com [abgerufen am 16. November 2021]).