Understanding Evangelion. Anime News Network, abgerufen am 29. August 2011: „By opening their hearts to one another Shinji and Asuka at last have a chance at happiness. Unfortunately the brutality of this scene obscures its tender meaning, and the Evangelion saga ends on a dour note despite reprising the positive message from its television conclusion.“
Moure, Dani: Neon Genesis Evangelion: Special Edition Movies Box Set. Mania, 21. März 2001, archiviert vom Original am 3. August 2011; abgerufen am 1. Januar 2011: „...the data here is translated from the "Red Cross Book", a source of oodles of information made for sale as the programme book for the movie in Japanese cinemas. It's extremely comprehensive and it's a good way of presenting the data“
Moure, Dani: Neon Genesis Evangelion: Special Edition Movies Box Set. Mania, 21. März 2001, archiviert vom Original am 3. August 2011; abgerufen am 1. Januar 2011: „...the data here is translated from the "Red Cross Book", a source of oodles of information made for sale as the programme book for the movie in Japanese cinemas. It's extremely comprehensive and it's a good way of presenting the data“